Source code for auxjad.core.Echoer

import random
from typing import Optional, Union

import abjad

from .. import get, mutate

[docs]class Echoer(): r"""Takes an |abjad.Container| (or child class) as input and, using it as reference, gradually lowers all dynamics, removing notes that are below a given threshold, returning the output as an |abjad.Selection|. Basic usage: Calling the object will return an |abjad.Selection| generated by the echoing process. Each call of the object will apply the echoing process to the previous result. By default, the container will be faded out (that is, its notes will be gradually removed one by one). Note that, by default, the first call in fade out mode outputs the initial container, with subsequent calls replacing leaves for rests. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> .. docs:: { c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-jVGtGRdQev.png >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-4e4pnLJzwI.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-4bebflmnff9.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p d'4 \pp e'4 \ppp r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-64h0bb02goc.png The property :attr:`current_window` can be used to access the current window without processing it. >>> notes = echoer.current_window() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p d'4 \pp e'4 \ppp r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-ruetb1tzhtn.png :attr:`process_on_first_call`: The very first call will output the input container without processing it. To disable this behaviour and apply the echoing process on the very first call, initialise the class with the keyword argument :attr:`process_on_first_call` set to ``True``. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... process_on_first_call=True, ... ) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-rbnsf64kjoq.png :attr:`min_dynamic`: The threshold dynamic used to remove softer notes during each iteration of the process is set by :attr:`min_dynamic`. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\f d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... min_dynamic='mp', ... ) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-dzjqv7lsdis.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mp d'4 \p r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-f33perr6lfo.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p r2. } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-qxvj8lkfph.png Changing :attr:`min_dynamic` after initialisation: The property :attr:`min_dynamic` can also be changed after initialisation, as shown below. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-3ldjnprohuo.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-wzeaqjgouz8.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p d'4 \pp e'4 \ppp r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-aqq1docvezb.png >>> echoer.min_dynamic = 'pp' >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \pp r2. } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-3jt6kto85h1.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-2i22so5t5pf.png :attr:`include_empty_measures`: Set :attr:`include_empty_measures` to ``False`` to exclude empty measures at the end of the process (default is ``True``). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\p d'4 e' f'") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... include_empty_measures=False, ... ) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(echoer.output_all()) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p d'4 e'4 f'4 c'4 \pp d'4 e'4 f'4 c'4 \ppp d'4 e'4 f'4 R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-pg0bejhb7ke.png Using as iterator: The instances of this class can also be used as an iterator, which can then be used in a for loop to run through the whole process. Note that unlike the methods :meth:`output_n` and :meth:`output_all`, time signatures are added to each window returned by the echoer. Use the function |auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures()| to clean the output when using this class in this way. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> for window in echoer: ... staff.append(window) >>> auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures(staff) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp \time 4/4 c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp \time 4/4 c'4 \p d'4 \pp e'4 \ppp r4 \time 4/4 c'4 \pp d'4 \ppp r2 \time 4/4 c'4 \ppp r2. \time 4/4 R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-qyve2exm08p.png Arguments and properties: This class can take many optional keyword arguments during its creation, besides :attr:`min_dynamic`. By default, calling the object for the first time will return the original container; set :attr:`process_on_first_call` to ``True`` and the echo process will be applied on the very first call. :attr:`max_steps` sets the maximum number of iterations of the echoing process that can be applied in a single call, ranging between ``1`` and the input value (default is also ``1``). :attr:`repetition_chance` sets the chance of a window repeating itself, from ``0.0`` to ``1.0`` (default is ``0.0``, i.e. no repetitions). :attr:`disable_rewrite_meter` disables the |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| mutation which is applied to the container after every call, and :attr:`omit_time_signatures` will remove all time signatures from the output (both are ``False`` by default). Any measure filled with rests will be rewritten using a multi-measure rest; set the :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests` to ``False`` to disable this behaviour. The properties :attr:`boundary_depth`, :attr:`maximum_dot_count`, and :attr:`rewrite_tuplets` are passed as arguments to |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|, see its documentation for more information. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... min_dynamic='p', ... max_steps=2, ... repetition_chance=0.7, ... disable_rewrite_meter=True, ... omit_time_signatures=True, ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... boundary_depth=0, ... maximum_dot_count=1, ... rewrite_tuplets=False, ... process_on_first_call=True, ... include_empty_measures=False, ... ) >>> echoer.min_dynamic 'p' >>> echoer.max_steps 2 >>> echoer.repetition_chance 0.7 >>> echoer.disable_rewrite_meter True >>> echoer.omit_time_signatures True >>> echoer.use_multimeasure_rests False >>> echoer.boundary_depth 0 >>> echoer.maximum_dot_count 1 >>> echoer.rewrite_tuplets False >>> echoer.process_on_first_call True >>> echoer.include_empty_measures False Use the properties below to change these values after initialisation. >>> echoer.min_dynamic = 'mp' >>> echoer.max_steps = 1 >>> echoer.repetition_chance = 0.23 >>> echoer.disable_rewrite_meter = False >>> echoer.omit_time_signatures = False >>> echoer.use_multimeasure_rests = True >>> echoer.boundary_depth = 1 >>> echoer.maximum_dot_count = 2 >>> echoer.rewrite_tuplets = True >>> echoer.process_on_first_call = False >>> echoer.include_empty_measures = True >>> echoer.min_dynamic 'mp' >>> echoer.max_steps 1 >>> echoer.repetition_chance 0.23 >>> echoer.disable_rewrite_meter False >>> echoer.omit_time_signatures False >>> echoer.use_multimeasure_rests True >>> echoer.boundary_depth 1 >>> echoer.maximum_dot_count 2 >>> echoer.rewrite_tuplets True >>> echoer.process_on_first_call False >>> echoer.include_empty_measures True :attr:`contents`: Use the :attr:`contents` property to read as well as overwrite the contents of the echoer. Notice that the process will also be reset at that point. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-nv5f76rv7f.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-6fr4wrb8god.png >>> echoer.contents = abjad.Container(r"c'16\f d'16 e'16 f'16 g'2.\p") >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'16 \f d'16 e'16 f'16 g'2. \p } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-p8q5x8ti2d.png >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'16 \mf d'16 e'16 f'16 g'2. \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-mky4pulzf4i.png :meth:`output_all`: To run through the whole process and output it as a single container, use the method :meth:`output_all`. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer.output_all() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp c'4 \p d'4 \pp e'4 \ppp r4 c'4 \pp d'4 \ppp r2 c'4 r2. R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-kiqwdhyx9vk.png :meth:`output_n`: To run through just part of the process and output it as a single container, use the method :meth:`output_n` and pass the number of iterations as argument. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer.output_n(3) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf d'4 \mp e'4 \p f'4 \pp c'4 \mp d'4 \p e'4 \pp f'4 \ppp c'4 \p d'4 \pp e'4 \ppp r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-6mqxj9b5f13.png Chords and rests: This class also support chords and rest in :attr:`contents`. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"c'4\p ~ c'16 r8. r8. <d' e'>16\mp ~ <d' e'>4" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(echoer.output_all()) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p ~ c'16 r8. r8. <d' e'>16 \mp ~ <d' e'>4 c'4 \pp ~ c'16 r8. r8. <d' e'>16 \p ~ <d' e'>4 c'4 \ppp ~ c'16 r8. r8. <d' e'>16 \pp ~ <d' e'>4 r2 r8. <d' e'>16 \ppp ~ <d' e'>4 R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-wjphyrz750d.png :func:`len()`: The function :func:`len()` returns the total number of notes in :attr:`contents`. >>> abjad.Container(r"c'4\mf d'4\mp e'\p f'\pp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> len(echoer) 4 >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"c'4\mf ~ c'8 d'8\mp e'4\p ~ e'8 f'8\pp" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> len(echoer) 4 >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"c'4\mf ~ c'16 r16 d'8\mp e'4\p ~ e'8 f'16\pp r16" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> len(echoer) 4 Note that each chord will count as a single unit. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"<c' e' g'>2\f <d' f'>2\p") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> len(echoer) 2 >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g'>4\f ~ <c' e' g'>16 r8. <d' f'>2\p" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> len(echoer) 2 >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g'>4\f d'4\mf <e' g' b'>4\p r4" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> len(echoer) 3 :attr:`max_steps`: Setting the keyword argument :attr:`max_steps` to a value larger than ``1`` will result in a random number of steps (between ``1`` and :attr:`max_steps`) being applied at each call. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'2\fff d'2\mf") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... max_steps=3, ... ) >>> notes = echoer.output_n(3) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'2 \fff d'2 \mf c'2 \f d'2 \p c'2 \mf d'2 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-72wpb0iqtes.png :attr:`repetition_chance`: Use :attr:`repetition_chance` to set the chance of a measure repeating itself, ranging from ``0.0`` to ``1.0`` (default is ``0.0``, i.e. no repetitions). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4.\f d'8\p e'4..\mf f'16\mp") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... repetition_chance=0.5, ... ) >>> notes = echoer.output_n(5) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4. \f d'8 \p e'4.. \mf f'16 \mp c'4. \f d'8 \p e'4.. \mf f'16 \mp c'4. \mf d'8 \pp e'4.. \mp f'16 \p c'4. \mp d'8 \ppp e'4.. \p f'16 \pp c'4. \mp d'8 \ppp e'4.. \p f'16 \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-1t2yh8imiu8.png :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests` and :attr:`disable_rewrite_meter`: By default, all rests in a measure filled only with rests will be converted into a multi-measure rest. Set :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests` to ``False`` to disable this. Also, by default, all output is mutated through |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. To disable it, set :attr:`disable_rewrite_meter` to ``True``. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4\p ~ c'16 d'8.\mp ~ d'2") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... disable_rewrite_meter=True, ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... ) >>> notes = echoer.output_all() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \p ~ c'16 d'8. \mp ~ d'2 c'4 \pp ~ c'16 d'8. \p ~ d'2 c'4 \ppp ~ c'16 d'8. \pp ~ d'2 r4 r16 d'8. \ppp ~ d'2 r4 r16 r8. r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-lax06gkb3ap.png :attr:`omit_time_signatures`: To disable time signatures altogether, initialise this class with the keyword argument :attr:`omit_time_signatures` set to ``True`` (default is ``False``), or use the :attr:`omit_time_signatures` property after initialisation. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 2/4 c'4\mf d'4 \time 3/4 e'4\p f'4 g'4" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... omit_time_signatures=True, ... ) >>> notes = echoer.output_n(3) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 \mf d'4 e'4 \p f'4 g'4 c'4 \mp d'4 e'4 \pp f'4 g'4 c'4 \p d'4 e'4 \ppp f'4 g'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-pcq5ecwz7ff.png .. tip:: All methods that return an |abjad.Selection| will add an initial time signature to it. The :meth:`output_n` and :meth:`output_all` methods automatically remove repeated time signatures. When joining selections output by multiple method calls, use |auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures()| on the whole container after fusing the selections to remove any unecessary time signature changes. Tweaking |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|: This function uses the default logical tie splitting algorithm from |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4.\mf d'8 e'2") >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4. \mf d'8 e'2 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-93hcv2prkua.png Set :attr:`boundary_depth` to a different number to change its behaviour. >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container, ... boundary_depth=1, ... ) >>> notes = echoer() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 \mf ~ c'8 d'8 e'2 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-cq661zyctf.png Other arguments available for tweaking the output of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| are :attr:`maximum_dot_count` and :attr:`rewrite_tuplets`, which work exactly as the identically named arguments of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. This class also accepts the arguments ``fuse_across_groups_of_beats``, ``fuse_quadruple_meter``, ``fuse_triple_meter``, and ``extract_trivial_tuplets``, which are passed on to |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()| (the latter can be disabled by setting ``prettify_rewrite_meter`` to ``False``). See the documentation of this function for more details on these arguments. Indicators: This class can handle dynamics and articulations. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 3/4 c'8.->\mf d'16 ~ d'4 e'8..--\p f'32-.\f" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer.output_all() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'8. \mf - \accent d'16 ~ d'4 e'8.. \p - \tenuto f'32 \f - \staccato c'8. \mp - \accent d'16 ~ d'4 e'8.. \pp - \tenuto f'32 \mf - \staccato c'8. \p - \accent d'16 ~ d'4 e'8.. \ppp - \tenuto f'32 \mp - \staccato c'8. \pp - \accent d'16 ~ d'4 r8.. f'32 \p - \staccato c'8. \ppp - \accent d'16 ~ d'4 r8.. f'32 \pp - \staccato r2 r8.. f'32 \ppp - \staccato R1 * 3/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-ox08wd3ljps.png Slurs and hairpins: Slurs and hairpins are also supported. Slurs are split when rests appear in the middle of a slurred phrase, while hairpins are shortened and adjusted as required. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\times 2/3 {c'2(\p\< d'2 e'2\ff} f'4\mf\> g'2 a'4\mp)" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer.output_n(5) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \times 2/3 { \time 4/4 c'2 \p \< ( d'2 e'2 \ff } f'4 \mf \> g'2 a'4 \mp ) \times 2/3 { c'2 \pp \< ( d'2 e'2 \f } f'4 \mp \> g'2 a'4 \p ) \times 2/3 { c'2 \ppp \< ( d'2 e'2 \mf } f'4 \p \> g'2 a'4 \pp ) \times 2/3 { r1 e'2 \mp ( } f'4 \pp \> g'2 a'4 \ppp ) \times 2/3 { r1 e'2 \p ( } f'4 \ppp \> g'2 ) r4 \! } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-jprjps4zxej.png .. tip:: The functions |auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_dynamics()| and |auxjad.mutate.reposition_clefs()| can be used to clean the output and remove repeated dynamics and unnecessary clef changes. .. warning:: Do note that some elements that span multiple notes (such as ottava indicators, manual beams, etc.) can become problematic when notes containing them are split into two. As a rule of thumb, it is always better to attach those to the music after the echoing process has ended. Tuplets: This class can handle tuplets. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\times 2/3 {c'8\ppp d'8\mp e'8} d'2.\pp" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer.output_all() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \times 2/3 { \time 4/4 c'8 \ppp d'8 \mp e'8 } d'2. \pp \times 2/3 { r8 d'8 \p e'8 } d'2. \ppp \times 2/3 { r8 d'8 \pp e'8 } r2. \times 2/3 { r8 d'8 \ppp e'8 } r2. R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-888tqk73kw3.png Time signature changes: This class can handle time signature changes. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 3/8 c'4.\pp \time 2/4 d'2\ff \time 3/8 e'4.\mp" ... ) >>> echoer = auxjad.Echoer(container) >>> notes = echoer.output_n() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4. \pp \time 2/4 d'2 \ff \time 3/8 e'4. \mp c'4. \ppp \time 2/4 d'2 \f \time 3/8 e'4. \p R1 * 3/8 \time 2/4 d'2 \mf \time 3/8 e'4. \pp } .. figure:: ../_images/Echoer-lkhKFVuUgx.png """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ('_contents', '_current_window', '_min_dynamic', '_max_steps', '_disable_rewrite_meter', '_mask', '_is_first_window', '_time_signatures', '_omit_time_signatures', '_use_multimeasure_rests', '_boundary_depth', '_maximum_dot_count', '_rewrite_tuplets', '_process_on_first_call', '_include_empty_measures', '_repetition_chance', '_prettify_rewrite_meter', '_extract_trivial_tuplets', '_fuse_across_groups_of_beats', '_fuse_quadruple_meter', '_fuse_triple_meter', ) _dynamic_name_to_dynamic_ordinal = { 'ppppp': -5, 'pppp': -4, 'ppp': -3, 'pp': -2, 'p': -1, 'mp': 0, 'mf': 1, 'f': 2, 'ff': 3, 'fff': 4, 'ffff': 5, 'fffff': 6, 'fp': -1, 'sf': 2, 'sff': 3, 'sfp': -1, 'sfpp': -2, 'sffp': -1, 'sffpp': -2, 'sfz': 2, 'sp': -1, 'spp': -2, 'rfz': 2, } _dynamic_ordinal_to_dynamic_name = { -5 : 'ppppp', -4 : 'pppp', -3 : 'ppp', -2 : 'pp', -1 : 'p', 0 : 'mp', 1 : 'mf', 2 : 'f', 3 : 'ff', 4 : 'fff', 5 : 'ffff', 6 : 'fffff', } ### INITIALISER ###
[docs] def __init__(self, contents: abjad.Container, *, min_dynamic: Union[abjad.Dynamic, str] = 'ppp', max_steps: int = 1, repetition_chance: float = 0.0, process_on_first_call: bool = False, disable_rewrite_meter: bool = False, omit_time_signatures: bool = False, use_multimeasure_rests: bool = True, boundary_depth: Optional[int] = None, maximum_dot_count: Optional[int] = None, rewrite_tuplets: bool = True, include_empty_measures: bool = True, prettify_rewrite_meter: bool = True, extract_trivial_tuplets: bool = True, fuse_across_groups_of_beats: bool = True, fuse_quadruple_meter: bool = True, fuse_triple_meter: bool = True, ) -> None: r'Initialises self.' self.min_dynamic = min_dynamic self.max_steps = max_steps self.contents = contents self.disable_rewrite_meter = disable_rewrite_meter self.omit_time_signatures = omit_time_signatures self.use_multimeasure_rests = use_multimeasure_rests self.boundary_depth = boundary_depth self.maximum_dot_count = maximum_dot_count self.rewrite_tuplets = rewrite_tuplets self.prettify_rewrite_meter = prettify_rewrite_meter self.extract_trivial_tuplets = extract_trivial_tuplets self.fuse_across_groups_of_beats = fuse_across_groups_of_beats self.fuse_quadruple_meter = fuse_quadruple_meter self.fuse_triple_meter = fuse_triple_meter self.process_on_first_call = process_on_first_call self.include_empty_measures = include_empty_measures self.repetition_chance = repetition_chance self._is_first_window = True
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: r'Returns interpreter representation of :attr:`contents`.' return abjad.lilypond(self._contents)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: r'Returns the number of logical ties of :attr:`contents`.' logical_ties = return len(logical_ties)
[docs] def __call__(self) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Calls the echo process for one iteration, returning an |abjad.Selection|. """ if (self._repetition_chance == 0.0 or random.random() > self._repetition_chance): if not self._is_first_window or self._process_on_first_call: self._soften_mask() self._mask_to_selection() return self.current_window
[docs] def __next__(self) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Calls the echoing process for one iteration, returning an |abjad.Selection|. """ if self._done: raise StopIteration return self.__call__()
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> None: r'Returns an iterator, allowing instances to be used as iterators.' return self
[docs] def output_all(self) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Goes through the whole echoing process and outputs a single |abjad.Selection|. """ dummy_container = abjad.Container() while True: dummy_container.append(self.__call__()) if self._done: break mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures(dummy_container[:]) mutate.remove_repeated_dynamics(dummy_container[:]) output = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] return output
[docs] def output_n(self, n: int, ) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Goes through ``n`` iterations of the echoing process and outputs a single |abjad.Selection|. """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("first positional argument must be 'int'") if n < 1: raise ValueError("first positional argument must be a positive " "'int'") dummy_container = abjad.Container() for _ in range(n): dummy_container.append(self.__call__()) mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures(dummy_container[:]) mutate.remove_repeated_dynamics(dummy_container[:]) output = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] return output
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: r'Resets the process, regenerating the mask.' self._is_first_window = True self._get_mask()
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _mask_to_selection(self) -> None: r'Applies the mask to :attr:`contents`.' dummy_container = abjad.mutate.copy(self._contents) if not self._is_first_window or self._process_on_first_call: logical_ties = pitched=True, ) dyn_list = self._mask_to_dyn_list() previous_dyn = None for logical_tie, new_dyn in zip(logical_ties, dyn_list): current_dyn = abjad.get.indicator(logical_tie.head, abjad.Dynamic, ) if current_dyn is not None: abjad.detach(current_dyn, logical_tie.head) if new_dyn is not None: if new_dyn != previous_dyn: abjad.attach(new_dyn, logical_tie.head) else: self._convert_pitched_logical_tie_to_rest(logical_tie) previous_dyn = new_dyn # handling dynamics and slurs and empty tuplets mutate.reposition_dynamics(dummy_container[:]) mutate.reposition_slurs(dummy_container[:]) mutate.extract_trivial_tuplets(dummy_container[:]) # applying rewrite meter if not self._disable_rewrite_meter: mutate.auto_rewrite_meter( dummy_container, boundary_depth=self._boundary_depth, maximum_dot_count=self._maximum_dot_count, rewrite_tuplets=self._rewrite_tuplets, prettify_rewrite_meter=self._prettify_rewrite_meter, extract_trivial_tuplets=self._extract_trivial_tuplets, fuse_across_groups_of_beats=self._fuse_across_groups_of_beats, fuse_quadruple_meter=self._fuse_quadruple_meter, fuse_triple_meter=self._fuse_triple_meter, ) if self._use_multimeasure_rests: mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(dummy_container[:]) # output self._current_window = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] self._is_first_window = False def _get_lilypond_format(self) -> str: r'Returns interpreter representation of :attr:`contents`.' return self.__repr__() def _get_mask(self) -> None: r'Creates a mask of dynamic ordinals from :attr:`contents`.' logical_ties = self._mask = [] previous_dyn = None for logical_tie in logical_ties: dyn = abjad.get.indicator(logical_tie.head, abjad.Dynamic) if dyn is not None: try: dyn = self._dynamic_name_to_dynamic_ordinal[] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError(f"the dynamic marking '{}' is " "not supported") from exc else: dyn = previous_dyn self._mask.append(dyn) previous_dyn = dyn if self._mask[0] is None: raise RuntimeError("first note of 'contents' must have a dynamic") def _mask_to_dyn_list(self) -> list[str]: r'Converts the numerical mask into a list of dynamic strings.' dyn_list = [] for dyn_number in self._mask: if dyn_number is not None: dyn = self._dynamic_ordinal_to_dynamic_name[dyn_number] dyn_list.append(abjad.Dynamic(dyn)) else: dyn_list.append(None) return dyn_list def _soften_mask(self) -> list[Union[int, None]]: r'Lowers the dynamics of the mask by one level.' for n in range(random.randint(1, self._max_steps)): if any(item is not None for item in self._mask): self._mask = [self._soften_dynamic(item, self._min_dynamic_number, ) for item in self._mask] elif n == 0: raise RuntimeError("'current_window' is already empty") @staticmethod def _soften_dynamic(item: Union[int, None], min_dyn_number: int, ) -> Union[int, None]: r"""Lowers a numerical dynamic level by one, setting it to ``None`` if dynamic below a given threshold. """ if item is None: return None item -= 1 if item < min_dyn_number: return None return item @staticmethod def _convert_pitched_logical_tie_to_rest(logical_tie) -> None: r'Converts all leaves of a pitched logical tie into rests.' indicators_tuple = (abjad.BarLine, abjad.Clef, abjad.Dynamic, abjad.Fermata, abjad.KeySignature, abjad.LilyPondLiteral, abjad.MetronomeMark, abjad.Ottava, abjad.RehearsalMark, abjad.Repeat, abjad.StaffChange, abjad.StartHairpin, abjad.StartMarkup, abjad.StartPhrasingSlur, abjad.StartSlur, abjad.StartTextSpan, abjad.StopHairpin, abjad.StopPhrasingSlur, abjad.StopSlur, abjad.StopTextSpan, abjad.TimeSignature, ) for leaf in logical_tie: rest = abjad.Rest(leaf.written_duration) for indicator in abjad.get.indicators(leaf): if isinstance(indicator, indicators_tuple): abjad.attach(indicator, rest) abjad.mutate.replace(leaf, rest) @staticmethod def _remove_all_time_signatures(container) -> None: r'Removes all time signatures of an |abjad.Container|.' for leaf in if abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.TimeSignature): abjad.detach(abjad.TimeSignature, leaf) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def contents(self) -> abjad.Container: r'The |abjad.Container| to be faded.' return abjad.mutate.copy(self._contents) @contents.setter def contents(self, contents: abjad.Container, ) -> None: if not isinstance(contents, abjad.Container): raise TypeError("'contents' must be 'abjad.Container' or " "child class") if not raise ValueError("'contents' must be contiguous logical voice") if isinstance(contents, abjad.Score): self._contents = abjad.mutate.copy(contents[0]) elif isinstance(contents, abjad.Tuplet): self._contents = abjad.Container([abjad.mutate.copy(contents)]) else: self._contents = abjad.mutate.copy(contents) time_signatures = get.time_signature_list( self._contents, do_not_use_none=True, ) mutate.enforce_time_signature(self._contents, time_signatures) dummy_container = abjad.mutate.copy(contents) self._current_window = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] self.reset() self._is_first_window = True @property def current_window(self) -> abjad.Selection: r'Read-only property, returns the previously output selection.' current_window = abjad.mutate.copy(self._current_window) if self._omit_time_signatures: self._remove_all_time_signatures(current_window) return current_window @property def min_dynamic(self) -> Union[abjad.Dynamic, str]: r'The minimum dynamic below which notes are removed.' return self._min_dynamic @min_dynamic.setter def min_dynamic(self, min_dynamic: Union[abjad.Dynamic, str], ) -> None: if not isinstance(min_dynamic, (abjad.Dynamic, str)): raise TypeError("'min_dynamic' must be 'abjad.Dynamic' or 'str'") if isinstance(min_dynamic, abjad.Dynamic): self._min_dynamic = else: self._min_dynamic = min_dynamic @property def max_steps(self) -> int: r'The maximum number of steps per operation.' return self._max_steps @max_steps.setter def max_steps(self, max_steps: int, ) -> None: if not isinstance(max_steps, int): raise TypeError("'max_steps' must be 'int'") if max_steps < 1: raise ValueError("'max_steps' must be greater than zero") self._max_steps = max_steps @property def disable_rewrite_meter(self) -> bool: r"""When ``True``, the durations of the notes in the output will not be rewritten by the |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| mutation. """ return self._disable_rewrite_meter @disable_rewrite_meter.setter def disable_rewrite_meter(self, disable_rewrite_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(disable_rewrite_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'disable_rewrite_meter' must be 'bool'") self._disable_rewrite_meter = disable_rewrite_meter @property def omit_time_signatures(self) -> bool: r'When ``True``, all time signatures will be omitted from the output.' return self._omit_time_signatures @omit_time_signatures.setter def omit_time_signatures(self, omit_time_signatures: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(omit_time_signatures, bool): raise TypeError("'omit_time_signatures' must be 'bool'") self._omit_time_signatures = omit_time_signatures @property def use_multimeasure_rests(self) -> bool: r'When ``True``, multi-measure rests will be used for silent measures.' return self._use_multimeasure_rests @use_multimeasure_rests.setter def use_multimeasure_rests(self, use_multimeasure_rests: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(use_multimeasure_rests, bool): raise TypeError("'use_multimeasure_rests' must be 'bool'") self._use_multimeasure_rests = use_multimeasure_rests @property def boundary_depth(self) -> Union[int, None]: r"""Sets the argument ``boundary_depth`` of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._boundary_depth @boundary_depth.setter def boundary_depth(self, boundary_depth: Optional[int], ) -> None: if boundary_depth is not None: if not isinstance(boundary_depth, int): raise TypeError("'boundary_depth' must be 'int'") self._boundary_depth = boundary_depth @property def maximum_dot_count(self) -> Union[int, None]: r"""Sets the argument ``maximum_dot_count`` of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._maximum_dot_count @maximum_dot_count.setter def maximum_dot_count(self, maximum_dot_count: Optional[int], ) -> None: if maximum_dot_count is not None: if not isinstance(maximum_dot_count, int): raise TypeError("'maximum_dot_count' must be 'int'") self._maximum_dot_count = maximum_dot_count @property def rewrite_tuplets(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``rewrite_tuplets`` of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._rewrite_tuplets @rewrite_tuplets.setter def rewrite_tuplets(self, rewrite_tuplets: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(rewrite_tuplets, bool): raise TypeError("'rewrite_tuplets' must be 'bool'") self._rewrite_tuplets = rewrite_tuplets @property def prettify_rewrite_meter(self) -> bool: r"""Used to enable or disable the mutation |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()| (default ``True``). """ return self._prettify_rewrite_meter @prettify_rewrite_meter.setter def prettify_rewrite_meter(self, prettify_rewrite_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(prettify_rewrite_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'prettify_rewrite_meter' must be 'bool'") self._prettify_rewrite_meter = prettify_rewrite_meter @property def extract_trivial_tuplets(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``extract_trivial_tuplets`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._extract_trivial_tuplets @extract_trivial_tuplets.setter def extract_trivial_tuplets(self, extract_trivial_tuplets: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(extract_trivial_tuplets, bool): raise TypeError("'extract_trivial_tuplets' must be 'bool'") self._extract_trivial_tuplets = extract_trivial_tuplets @property def fuse_across_groups_of_beats(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``fuse_across_groups_of_beats`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._fuse_across_groups_of_beats @fuse_across_groups_of_beats.setter def fuse_across_groups_of_beats(self, fuse_across_groups_of_beats: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(fuse_across_groups_of_beats, bool): raise TypeError("'fuse_across_groups_of_beats' must be 'bool'") self._fuse_across_groups_of_beats = fuse_across_groups_of_beats @property def fuse_quadruple_meter(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``fuse_quadruple_meter`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._fuse_quadruple_meter @fuse_quadruple_meter.setter def fuse_quadruple_meter(self, fuse_quadruple_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(fuse_quadruple_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'fuse_quadruple_meter' must be 'bool'") self._fuse_quadruple_meter = fuse_quadruple_meter @property def fuse_triple_meter(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``fuse_triple_meter`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._fuse_triple_meter @fuse_triple_meter.setter def fuse_triple_meter(self, fuse_triple_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(fuse_triple_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'fuse_triple_meter' must be 'bool'") self._fuse_triple_meter = fuse_triple_meter @property def process_on_first_call(self) -> bool: r"""If ``True`` then :attr:`contents` will be processed in the very first call. """ return self._process_on_first_call @process_on_first_call.setter def process_on_first_call(self, process_on_first_call: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(process_on_first_call, bool): raise TypeError("'process_on_first_call' must be 'bool'") self._process_on_first_call = process_on_first_call @property def include_empty_measures(self) -> bool: r"""If ``True`` then an initial or final empty measures will be used, otherwise the process starts/ends with a single logical tie. """ return self._include_empty_measures @include_empty_measures.setter def include_empty_measures(self, include_empty_measures: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(include_empty_measures, bool): raise TypeError("'include_empty_measures' must be 'bool'") self._include_empty_measures = include_empty_measures @property def repetition_chance(self) -> float: r"""The chance of not processing :attr:`contents` on a call, thus repeating the previous output. """ return self._repetition_chance @repetition_chance.setter def repetition_chance(self, repetition_chance: float, ) -> None: if not isinstance(repetition_chance, float): raise TypeError("'repetition_chance' must be 'float'") if repetition_chance < 0.0 or repetition_chance > 1.0: raise ValueError("'repetition_chance' must be between 0.0 and 1.0") self._repetition_chance = repetition_chance ### PRIVATE PROPERTIES ### @property def _done(self) -> bool: r""":obj:`bool` indicating whether the process is done, which is when the mask is filled with ``None``'s. """ if self._include_empty_measures: return all(item is None for item in self._mask) else: return all(item in (None, self._min_dynamic_number) for item in self._mask) @property def _min_dynamic_number(self) -> int: r'Numerical representation of :attr:`min_dynamic`.' return self._dynamic_name_to_dynamic_ordinal[self._min_dynamic]