Source code for auxjad.core.GeneticAlgorithm

import random
from typing import Optional, Union

[docs]class GeneticAlgorithm(): r"""An implementation of a genetic algorithm. Takes a :attr:`target` list and a list of :attr:`genes` to prod`uce generations of individuals at each :meth:`__call__`. Fittest individual of the current generation can be accessed directly using the property :attr:`fittest_individual`. Basic usage: The genetic algorithm should be initialised with two :obj:`list`'s of objects. The elements of these :obj:`list` can be of any type. The first one is the :attr:`target` list used to evaluate the individuals in the population. The second is the :attr:`genes` list which should contain all possible elements that can make up an individual. All elements of :attr:`target` must also be present in :attr:`genes`. For this example, :attr:`population_size` will be set to a very small value of ``4``, though in practice it's better to use substantially larger numbers (default value is ``100``). :attr:`select_n_parents` also needs to be decreased, as it must always be smaller than :attr:`population_size`. >>> ga = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithm( ... target=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ... genes=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ... population_size=4, ... select_n_parents=2, ... ) Calling the GA generator will generate a :attr:`population` of individuals, each of wich will also be awarded a score according to an evaluation function. :attr:`population` and :attr:`scores` are always ordered from the fittest to the least fit. >>> ga() >>> ga.population [['A', 'J', 'J', 'B', 'H'], ['D', 'A', 'E', 'A', 'F'], ['F', 'F', 'A', 'F', 'F'], ['F', 'F', 'E', 'J', 'C'], ] >>> ga.scores [0.209603072, 0.0912, 0.05638400000000001, 0.016396800000000003, ] Each subsequent call will generate a new generation of individuals which will become increasingly fit. :attr:`fittest_individual` and :attr:`fittest_individual_score`: The fittest individual of the whole population can be directly accessed using the property :attr:`fittest_individual`: >>> ga = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithm( ... target=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ... genes=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ... population_size=4, ... select_n_parents=2, ... ) >>> ga() >>> ga.fittest_individual ['A', 'J', 'J', 'B', 'H'] Its score is also directly accessible using :attr:`fittest_individual_score`: >>> ga.fittest_individual_score 0.209603072 Evolution: As expected, each generation will become increasingly fitter in relation to the :attr:`target`. The example below shows the fittest individual of each of ``10`` generations, with a :attr:`population_size` to ``50``: >>> ga = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithm( ... target=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ... genes=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ... population_size=50, ... ) >>> for _ in range(10): ... ga() ... print(ga.fittest_individual, ga.fittest_individual_score) ['A', 'J', 'B', 'E', 'E'] 0.480000512 ['A', 'H', 'C', 'D', 'J'] 0.6000768 ['A', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E'] 0.6799999999999999 ['A', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E'] 0.6799999999999999 ['A', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E'] 0.6799999999999999 ['A', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'E'] 0.8400000000000001 ['A', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'E'] 0.8400000000000001 ['A', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'E'] 0.8400000000000001 ['A', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'E'] 0.8400000000000001 ['A', 'C', 'C', 'D', 'E'] 0.8400000000000001 Evaluation function and :attr:`evaluation_index`: The evaluation function gives out a score between ``0.0`` to ``1.0`` to each individual in the population. For each given individual, this function compares each element of its elements with the element in the :attr:`target` at the same index. As to accomodate arbitrary objects being used as genes (as opposed to numbers only), this comparison uses the distance between the current individual and target genes using the :attr:`genes` property. Consider the following example, where the available genes are ``['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']`` and the target is ``['B', 'A', 'A', 'C']``. Suppose an individual has the genes ``['D', 'D', 'A', 'B']``. To evaluate this individual, first the algorithm finds the indices of both the target's genes (in this case, ``[1, 0, 0, 2]``) and also of the individual to be evaluated (in this case, ``[3, 3, 0, 1]``). It then scores each element of this individual against the target using: .. code-block:: difference = abs(target_gene_index - individual_gene_index) element_score = evaluation_index ** difference Thus, when the difference is ``0``, the score of this element is ``1.0``. The higher the difference, the smaller the value; this decay can be controlled using the property :attr:`evaluation_index`, whose default value is ``0.2``. Thus when the difference is ``1`` or ``-1``, the score is ``0.2 ** 1 = 0.2``, when the difference is ``2`` or ``-2``, the score is ``0.2 ** 2 = 0.04``, and so on. The total score of an individual will be given by the normalised sum of the evaluation of each of its genes. :attr:`select_n_parents` and :attr:`keep_n_parents`: When creating a new generation of individuals, the algorithm will select the fittest individuals to be parents for the next generation. The number of parents is given by :attr:`select_n_parents`, whose default value is ``10``. These parents generate offspring by being recombined through a crossover process, in which the first half of a random parent and a second half of another random parent are combined into a new individual. Parents are not kept in the next generation by default and are solely used in this crossover process. To 'clone' parents into the next generation, set the property :attr:`keep_n_parents` to a value larger than ``0`` (its default value). :attr:`mutation_chance` and :attr:`mutation_index`: After the crossover process, an individual can go through random mutations. The chance of this occuring on a given individual is given by :attr:`mutation_chance`, whose value should range between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` (default is ``0.2``). If an individual is selected to undergo a random mutation, then each of its genes will have a chance of being mutated, which in turn is given by the property :attr:`mutation_index` (default value is ``0.1``). :attr:`initial_individual`: Instead of starting with a random population of individuals, it's possible to set a custom initial individual as a starting point. This can be used to 'morph' fittest individual from this initial one to a fit one according to the target. >>> ga = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithm( ... target=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ... genes=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ... initial_individual=['F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ... ) >>> for _ in range(10): ... ga() ... ga.fittest_individual ['F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'] ['F', 'B', 'H', 'I', 'J'] ['F', 'B', 'H', 'I', 'E'] ['F', 'B', 'H', 'I', 'E'] ['A', 'B', 'H', 'I', 'E'] ['A', 'B', 'E', 'I', 'E'] ['A', 'B', 'E', 'D', 'E'] ['A', 'B', 'E', 'D', 'E'] ['A', 'B', 'E', 'D', 'E'] ['A', 'B', 'D', 'D', 'E'] :meth:`reset`: Use the :meth:`reset` method to reset the genetic algorithm at any point: >>> ga = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithm( ... target=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ... genes=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ... ) >>> ga.fittest_individual None >>> ga.generation_number None >>> for _ in range(10): ... ga() >>> ga.fittest_individual ['C', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] >>> ga.generation_number 9 >>> ga.reset() >>> ga.fittest_individual None >>> ga.generation_number None """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ('_target', '_genes', '_initial_individual', '_population_size', '_select_n_parents', '_keep_n_parents', '_mutation_chance', '_mutation_index', '_evaluation_index', '_target_indices', '_scores', '_generation_number', '_population', ) ### INITIALISER ###
[docs] def __init__(self, *, target: list, genes: list, initial_individual: Optional[list] = None, population_size: int = 100, select_n_parents: int = 10, keep_n_parents: int = 0, mutation_chance: float = 0.2, mutation_index: float = 0.1, evaluation_index: float = 0.2, ) -> None: r'Initialises self.' if not isinstance(genes, list): raise TypeError("'genes' must be 'list'") if not isinstance(target, list): raise TypeError("'target' must be 'list'") if any(value not in genes for value in target): raise ValueError("'target' must only contain elements present in " "'genes'") self._genes = genes self._target = target self._target_indices = [self._genes.index(gene) for gene in self._target] self.initial_individual = initial_individual self.population_size = population_size self.select_n_parents = select_n_parents self.keep_n_parents = keep_n_parents self.mutation_chance = mutation_chance self.mutation_index = mutation_index self.evaluation_index = evaluation_index self._generation_number = None self._population = None self._scores = None
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: r'Returns interpreter representation of :attr:`target`.' return repr(self._target)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: r'Returns the number of genes in each individual.' return len(self._target)
[docs] def __call__(self) -> None: r"""Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration. Creates a new generation of length :attr:`population_size` via reproduction and mutation processes and scores each individual using the evaluation function. Sorts the population according to their scores. """ self._generate_population() self._score_population() self._sort_population_by_evaluation()
[docs] def __next__(self) -> None: r"""Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration. Creates a new generation of length :attr:`population_size` via reproduction and mutation processes and scores each individual using the evaluation function. Sorts the population according to their scores. """ try: return self.__call__() except RuntimeError: raise StopIteration
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> None: r'Returns an iterator, allowing instances to be used as iterators.' return self
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: r'Resets that genetic algorithm.' self._generation_number = None self._population = None self._scores = None
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _generate_population(self) -> None: r"""Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration. Creates a new generation of length :attr:`population_size` via reproduction and mutation processes and scores each individual using the evaluation function. """ if self._generation_number is None: self._generation_number = 0 self._generate_initial_individual() else: self._generation_number += 1 self._crossover_population() self._mutate_population() def _generate_initial_individual(self) -> None: r"""Generates a random initial population of size :attr:`population_size` and whose genes are randomly chosen from :attr:`genes`. """ self._population = [] for _ in range(self._population_size): if self._initial_individual is None: individual = [random.choice(self._genes) for _ in range(self.__len__())] else: individual = self._initial_individual[:] self._population.append(individual) def _evaluate(self, individual: list, ) -> float: r"""Evaluates all genes of a given individual, returning a :obj:`float`. The higher the value, the fitter the individual is, with `1.0` being a perfect fit. Use :attr:`evaluation_index` to tweak the behaviour of this function. """ individual_score = 0 individual_indices = [self.genes.index(gene) for gene in individual] for gene, target_gene in zip(individual_indices, self._target_indices): difference = abs(gene - target_gene) individual_score += self._evaluation_index ** difference individual_score /= self.__len__() return individual_score def _sort_population_by_evaluation(self) -> None: r"""Sorts the population (and their scores) according to the evaluation of its individuals. """ zipped_lists = list(zip(self._scores, self._population)) zipped_lists.sort( key=lambda tuple_pair: tuple_pair[0], reverse=True, ) self._population = [gene for _, gene in zipped_lists] self._scores = [score for score, _ in zipped_lists] def _score_population(self) -> None: r"""Generates the list of score for each individual of the current generation. """ self._scores = [] for individual in self._population: score = self._evaluate(individual) self._scores.append(score) def _crossover_population(self) -> None: r'Crossover process used to generate offsprings.' selected_parents = self._population[:self._select_n_parents] if self._keep_n_parents > 0: new_generation = self._population[:self._keep_n_parents] else: new_generation = [] for _ in range(self._population_size - self._keep_n_parents): parents = random.sample(range(len(selected_parents)), k=2, ) half_index = int(self.__len__() / 2) parent_A = selected_parents[parents[0]] parent_B = selected_parents[parents[1]] individual = parent_A[:half_index] + parent_B[half_index:] new_generation.append(individual) self._population = new_generation[:] def _mutate_population(self) -> None: r"""Mutates some individuals of the current generation according to :attr:`mutation_chance` and :attr:`mutation_index`. """ for index, individual in enumerate(self._population): if random.random() < self._mutation_chance: mutated_individual = individual[:] for i in range(self.__len__()): if random.random() < self._mutation_index: mutated_individual[i] = random.choice(self._genes) self._population[index] = mutated_individual ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def target(self) -> list: r'Target individual used for evaluation.' return self._target @target.setter def target(self, target: list, ) -> None: if not isinstance(target, list): raise TypeError("'target' must be 'list'") if any(value not in self._genes for value in target): raise ValueError("'target' must only contain elements present in " "'genes'") self._target = target self._target_indices = [self._genes.index(gene) for gene in self._target] @property def genes(self) -> list: r'List of possible genes that make up all individuals.' return self._genes @genes.setter def genes(self, genes: list, ) -> None: if not isinstance(genes, list): raise TypeError("'genes' must be 'list'") self._genes = genes self._target_indices = [self._genes.index(gene) for gene in self._target] @property def initial_individual(self) -> Union[list, None]: r'Optional initial individual (instead of random initial population).' return self._initial_individual @initial_individual.setter def initial_individual(self, initial_individual: Optional[list], ) -> None: if initial_individual is not None: if not isinstance(initial_individual, list): raise TypeError("'initial_individual' must be 'list' or " "'None'") if len(initial_individual) != self.__len__(): raise ValueError("'initial_individual' must have the same " "length as 'target'") if any(value not in self._genes for value in initial_individual): raise ValueError("'initial_individual' must only contain " "elements present in 'genes'") self._initial_individual = initial_individual @property def population_size(self) -> int: r'Number of individuals in any given generation.' return self._population_size @population_size.setter def population_size(self, population_size: int, ) -> None: if not isinstance(population_size, int): raise TypeError("'population_size' must be 'int'") self._population_size = population_size @property def select_n_parents(self) -> int: r"""Number of the best-fit individuals that are selected to be the parents for the next generation. """ return self._select_n_parents @select_n_parents.setter def select_n_parents(self, select_n_parents: int, ) -> None: if not isinstance(select_n_parents, int): raise TypeError("'select_n_parents' must be 'int'") if select_n_parents > self._population_size: raise ValueError("'select_n_parents' must be equal to or smaller " "than 'population_size'") self._select_n_parents = select_n_parents @property def keep_n_parents(self) -> int: r"""Number of the best-fit individuals that survive into the next generation. Default is ``0``. """ return self._keep_n_parents @keep_n_parents.setter def keep_n_parents(self, keep_n_parents: int, ) -> None: if not isinstance(keep_n_parents, int): raise TypeError("'keep_n_parents' must be 'int'") if keep_n_parents > self._population_size: raise ValueError("'keep_n_parents' must be equal to or smaller " "than 'population_size'") self._keep_n_parents = keep_n_parents @property def mutation_chance(self) -> float: r'The chance of any given individual experiencing mutation.' return self._mutation_chance @mutation_chance.setter def mutation_chance(self, mutation_chance: float, ) -> None: if not isinstance(mutation_chance, float): raise TypeError("'mutation_chance' must be 'float'") if mutation_chance < 0.0: raise ValueError("'mutation_chance' must be a positive `float`") elif mutation_chance > 1.0: raise ValueError("'mutation_chance' cannot be larger than `1.0`") self._mutation_chance = mutation_chance @property def mutation_index(self) -> float: r"""Given an individual selected to undergo mutation, this index gives the percentage of genes of that individual which will be mutated. """ return self._mutation_index @mutation_index.setter def mutation_index(self, mutation_index: float, ) -> None: if not isinstance(mutation_index, float): raise TypeError("'mutation_index' must be 'float'") if mutation_index < 0.0: raise ValueError("'mutation_index' must be a positive `float`") elif mutation_index > 1.0: raise ValueError("'mutation_index' cannot be larger than `1.0`") self._mutation_index = mutation_index @property def evaluation_index(self) -> float: r"""The index used in the evaluation function. This index will be raised by the difference between indices of the target value and the current value. Consider the following example, where the available genes are ``['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']`` and the target is ``['B', 'A', 'A', 'C']``. Suppose an individual has the genes ``['D', 'D', 'A', 'B']``. To evaluate this individual, first the algorithm finds the indices of both the target's genes (in this case, ``[1, 0, 0, 2]``) and also of the individual to be evaluated (in this case, ``[3, 3, 0, 1]``). It then scores each element of this individual against the target using: .. code-block:: difference = abs(target_gene_index - individual_gene_index) element_score = evaluation_index ** difference Thus, when the difference is ``0``, the score of this element is ``1.0``. The higher the difference, the smaller the value; this decay can be controlled using this very property, whose default value is ``0.2``. Thus when the difference is ``1`` or ``-1``, the score is ``0.2 ** 1 = 0.2``, when the difference is ``2`` or ``-2``, the score is ``0.2 ** 2 = 0.04``, and so on. The total score of an individual will be given by the normalised sum of the evaluation of each of its genes. """ return self._evaluation_index @evaluation_index.setter def evaluation_index(self, evaluation_index: float, ) -> None: if not isinstance(evaluation_index, float): raise TypeError("'evaluation_index' must be 'float'") if evaluation_index <= 0.0: raise ValueError("'evaluation_index' must be a greater than 0.0") elif evaluation_index >= 1.0: raise ValueError("'evaluation_index' must be less than `1.0`") self._evaluation_index = evaluation_index @property def generation_number(self) -> Union[int, None]: r"""Read-only property, returns the number of the current generation (initial generation is ``0``). """ return self._generation_number @property def population(self) -> Union[list, None]: r"""Read-only property, returns a list with all the population of the current generation. """ return self._population @property def scores(self) -> list: r"""Read-only property, returns the list of individual scores of the current population. Scores are normalised. """ return self._scores @property def fittest_individual(self) -> Union[list, None]: r"""Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population. """ try: return self._population[0] except TypeError: return None @property def fittest_individual_score(self) -> Union[list, float]: r"""Read-only property, returns the score of the fittest individual of the current population. """ try: return self._scores[0] except TypeError: return None