Source code for auxjad.core.Hocketer

import random
from typing import Optional, Union

import abjad

from .. import get, mutate

[docs]class Hocketer(): r"""A hocket generator that takes an |abjad.Container| (or child class) as input and randomly distributes its logical ties among different staves. Basic usage: Calling the object will return a :obj:`tuple` of |abjad.Selection| generated by the hocket process and ready to be assigned to an |abjad.Score|. Each call will generate a new random hocket from the input container. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> .. docs:: { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-svcW7YQBUu.png >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { r2 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { c'4 d'4 r4 f'4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-dh5lutbv09v.png >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { r2. f'4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-gj278dv7vff.png Indexing: Alternatively, it is possible to retrieve an |abjad.Selection| for each individual voice generated by the process by indexing or slicing the the object itself. In the case below, the hocket process is invoked in the third line, and the individual selections are retrieved in the loop. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, n_voices=5, k=3) >>> hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in hocketer[:]: ... staff = abjad.Staff(selection) ... score.append(staff) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { r2. f'4 } \new Staff { c'4 r4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { r4 d'4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { c'4 d'4 r4 f'4 } \new Staff { c'4 r4 e'4 r4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-5r3ybkxhmd4.png Individual staves can also be retrieved as shown below. >>> staff = abjad.Staff(hocketer[0]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 r4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-sodb0btsuhq.png >>> partial_score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in hocketer[1:4]: ... staff = abjad.Staff(selection) ... partial_score.append(selection) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 d'4 r2 } \new Staff { r4 d'4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { R1 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-3gsh3qtl21d.png :attr:`current_window`: To get the result of the last operation, use the property :attr:`current_window`. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 r4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { r4 d'4 r4 f'4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-i2jt38x28fd.png >>> music = hocketer.current_window >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 r4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { r4 d'4 r4 f'4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-4291u773dng.png Arguments and properties: This class has many keyword arguments, all of which can be altered after instantiation using properties with the same names as shown below. :attr:`weights` set the individual weight of a given voice (must be a :obj:`list` of length equal to :attr:`n_voices`). :attr:`k` defines the number of times that the process is applied to each logical tie. Setting :attr:`force_k_voices` to ``True`` ensure that a single logical tie is distributed to exactly :attr:`k` voices. Setting :attr:`explode_chords` to ``True`` will distribute individual pitches from chords into unique voices. :attr:`pitch_ranges` defines the pitch range of each voice; it takes a list of |abjad.PitchRange|'s. :attr:`disable_rewrite_meter` disables the |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| mutation which is applied to the container after every call. Any measure filled with rests will be rewritten using a multi-measure rest; set the :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests` to ``False`` to disable this behaviour. The properties :attr:`boundary_depth`, :attr:`maximum_dot_count`, and :attr:`rewrite_tuplets` are passed as arguments to |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|, see its documentation for more information. Setting the property :attr:`omit_time_signatures` to ``True`` will remove all time signatures from the output (``False`` by default). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 | f'4 g'4 a'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... weights=[1, 2, 5], ... k=2, ... force_k_voices=True, ... explode_chords=True, ... pitch_ranges=[ ... abjad.PitchRange("[C4, D6]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C2, A4]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C1, E3]"), ... ], ... disable_rewrite_meter=True, ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... omit_time_signatures=True, ... boundary_depth=0, ... maximum_dot_count=1, ... rewrite_tuplets=False, ... ) >>> hocketer.n_voices 3 >>> hocketer.weights [1, 2, 5] >>> hocketer.k 2 >>> hocketer.force_k_voices True >>> hocketer.explode_chords True >>> hocketer.pitch_ranges [PitchRange('[C4, D6]'), PitchRange('[C2, A4]'), PitchRange('[C1, E3]')] >>> hocketer.disable_rewrite_meter True >>> not hocketer.use_multimeasure_rests False >>> hocketer.omit_time_signatures True >>> hocketer.boundary_depth 0 >>> hocketer.maximum_dot_count 1 >>> hocketer.rewrite_tuplets False Use the properties below to change these values after initialisation. >>> hocketer.n_voices = 5 >>> hocketer.weights = [1, 1, 1, 2, 7] >>> hocketer.k = 3 >>> hocketer.force_k_voices = False >>> hocketer.explode_chords = False >>> hocketer.pitch_ranges = None >>> hocketer.disable_rewrite_meter = False >>> hocketer.use_multimeasure_rests = True >>> hocketer.omit_time_signatures = False >>> hocketer.boundary_depth = 1 >>> hocketer.maximum_dot_count = 2 >>> hocketer.rewrite_tuplets = True >>> hocketer.n_voices 5 >>> hocketer.weights [1, 1, 1, 2, 7] >>> hocketer.k 3 >>> not hocketer.force_k_voices False >>> hocketer.explode_chords False >>> hocketer.pitch_ranges None >>> not hocketer.disable_rewrite_meter False >>> hocketer.use_multimeasure_rests True >>> hocketer.omit_time_signatures False >>> hocketer.boundary_depth 1 >>> hocketer.maximum_dot_count 2 >>> hocketer.rewrite_tuplets True :attr:`n_voices`: Use the optional argument :attr:`n_voices` to set the number of different staves in the output (default is 2). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, n_voices=3) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'8 r8 e'8 r8 g'8 r4. } \new Staff { r8 d'8 r4 r8 a'8 r4 } \new Staff { r4. f'8 r4 b'8 c''8 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-qf9niqf7em.png :func:`len()`: Applying the :func:`len()` function to the hocketer will return the current number of voices to be output by the hocketer. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 ~ | f'2 g'2") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, n_voices=7) >>> len(hocketer) 6 :attr:`pitch_ranges`: The property :attr:`pitch_ranges` defines the pitch range of each voice. It takes a list of |abjad.PitchRange|'s. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c' d' e f' g a' b' c''") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... pitch_ranges=[ ... abjad.PitchRange("[C4, C5]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C4, C5]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C3, B3]"), ... ], ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> abjad.attach(abjad.Clef('bass'),[2]).leaf(0)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 d'4 r4 f'4 r4 a'4 r2 } \new Staff { R1 r2 b'4 c''4 } \new Staff { \clef "bass" r2 e4 r4 g4 r2. } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-akuL9BDgw8.png Note that changing :attr:`n_voices` will reset :attr:`pitch_ranges`: >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 \time 2/4 f'4 g'4" ... ) >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... pitch_ranges=[ ... abjad.PitchRange("[C4, D6]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C2, A4]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C1, E3]"), ... ], ... ) >>> hocketer.pitch_ranges [PitchRange("[C4, D6]"), PitchRange("[C2, A4]"), PitchRange("[C1, E3]")] ] >>> hocketer.n_voices = 4 >>> hocketer.pitch_ranges None :attr:`weights`: Set :attr:`weights` to a :obj:`list` of numbers (either :obj:`float` or :obj:`int`) to give different weights to each voice. By default, all voices have equal weight. The :obj:`list` in :attr:`weights` must have the same length as the number of voices. In the example below, :attr:`weights` is a :obj:`list` of length ``2`` (matching the default two voices). The second voice has a higher weight to it, and receives more notes from the hocket process as expected. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... weights=[2.1, 5.7], ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { r8 d'8 r4 g'8 r4. } \new Staff { c'8 r8 e'8 f'8 r8 a'8 b'8 c''8 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-xyecbupzmm.png Use the method :meth:`reset_weights` to reset the weights back to their default values. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... weights=[2.1, 5.7], ... ) >>> hocketer.weights [2.1, 5.7] >>> hocketer.reset_weights() >>> hocketer.weights [1.0, 1.0] :attr:`k`: The argument :attr:`k` is an :obj:`int` defining the number of times that the process is applied to each logical tie. By default, :attr:`k` is set to ``1``, so each logical tie is assigned to a single voice. Changing this to a higher value will increase the chance of a logical tie appearing for up to :attr:`k` different voices. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, n_voices=4, k=2) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 r4 } \new Staff { r2 e'4 f'4 } \new Staff { r2. f'4 } \new Staff { r4 d'4 r2 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-ytjqsp7r2bn.png :attr:`force_k_voices`: It is important to note that changing :attr:`k` to a higher value does not guarantee each logical tie will appear in :attr:`k` different voices. By default, :attr:`k` only defines how many times each logical tie is processed by the hocket process, which may select the same voice more than once. To ensure that each logical tie appears in :attr:`k` unique voices, set the optional keyword argument :attr:`force_k_voices` to ``True`` as shown below. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... k=2, ... force_k_voices=True, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'8 d'8 r8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8 } \new Staff { c'8 r8 e'8 f'8 r4 b'8 r8 } \new Staff { r8 d'8 e'8 r8 g'8 a'8 r8 c''8 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-9limlogk0b8.png .. error:: Setting :attr:`force_k_voices` to ``True`` when :attr:`k` is larger than :attr:`n_voices` will raise a :exc:`ValueError` exception: >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, n_voices=4, k=5) >>> hocketer.force_k_voices = True ValueError: 'force_k_voices' cannot be set to True if 'k' > 'n_voices', change 'k' first :attr:`explode_chords`: If :attr:`explode_chords` is set to ``True``, chords will not be considered as a single leaf to be distributed but rather as a collection of individual pitches, which are then distributed among the voices. Compare: >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g'>4 <d' f' a'>4 <e' g' b'>4 <f' a' c'>4" ... ) >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { r2 <e' g' b'>4 r4 } \new Staff { <c' e' g'>4 <d' f' a'>4 r2 } \new Staff { r2. <c' f' a'>4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-6gwHXAs6IY.png >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g'>4 <d' f' a'>4 <e' g' b'>4 <f' a' c'>4" ... ) >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... explode_chords=True, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { e'4 f'4 e'4 a'4 } \new Staff { g'4 d'4 b'4 c'4 } \new Staff { c'4 a'4 g'4 f'4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-gGsBUch6Ai.png .. note:: It is very important to note that :attr:`explode_chords` does not take :attr:`weights` nor :attr:`k` in consideration. It does, however, take :attr:`pitch_ranges` into account: >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g'>4 <d' f' a'>4 <e' g' b'>4 <f' a' c'>4" ... ) >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... explode_chords=True, ... pitch_ranges=[ ... abjad.PitchRange("[E4, C5]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[E4, C5]"), ... abjad.PitchRange("[C4, F4]"), ... ], ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { e'4 f'4 g'4 c''4 } \new Staff { g'4 a'4 b'4 a'4 } \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-Rycx76se89.png .. warning:: When setting :attr:`explode_chords` to ``True``, if :attr:`n_voices` is less than the number of pitches in a chord then only the first :attr:`n_voices`-pitches will be considered in the distribution. :attr:`disable_rewrite_meter`: By default, this class uses the |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| mutation, which is necessary for cleaning up the rests. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'8 d'8 r4 r8 a'8 r4 } \new Staff { r4 e'8 f'8 g'8 r8 b'8 c''8 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-qtuvb2zrlz.png Set :attr:`disable_rewrite_meter` to ``True`` in order to disable this behaviour. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... disable_rewrite_meter=True, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'8 d'8 r8 r8 r8 a'8 r8 r8 } \new Staff { r8 r8 e'8 f'8 g'8 r8 b'8 c''8 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-l8cn8w7cju.png :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests`: By default, this class rewrites all measures that are filled with rests, replacing the rests by a multi-measure rest. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'4 a'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { \time 3/4 R1 * 3/4 r4 g'4 a'4 } \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 r2 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-ri1ursa6esi.png Set :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests` to ``False`` to disable this behaviour. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'4 a'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { \time 3/4 r2. r4 g'4 a'4 } \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 r2 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-20idpp518lf.png :attr:`contents`: Use the property :attr:`contents` to get the input container upon which the hocketer operates. Notice that :attr:`contents` remains invariant after any shuffling or rotation operations (use :attr:`current_window` for the transformed selection of music). :attr:`contents` can be used to change the |abjad.Container| to be shuffled. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container) >>> .. docs:: { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-t07z297s2e.png >>> hocketer() >>> .. docs:: { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-7g6cbvfgr1j.png >>> hocketer.contents = abjad.Container(r"cs2 ds2") >>> .. docs:: { cs2 ds2 } .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-2l7eywciib3.png Tweaking |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|: This function uses the default logical tie splitting algorithm from |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4. d'8 e'2") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=1, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4. d'8 e'2 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-g3fmvrkd6nw.png Set :attr:`boundary_depth` to a different number to change its behaviour. >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=1, ... boundary_depth=1, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'4 ~ c'8 d'8 e'2 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-g7r2oxsx8zc.png Other arguments available for tweaking the output of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| are :attr:`maximum_dot_count` and :attr:`rewrite_tuplets`, which work exactly as the identically named arguments of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. This class also accepts the arguments ``fuse_across_groups_of_beats``, ``fuse_quadruple_meter``, ``fuse_triple_meter``, and ``extract_trivial_tuplets``, which are passed on to |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()| (the latter can be disabled by setting ``prettify_rewrite_meter`` to ``False``). See the documentation of this function for more details on these arguments. Time signature changes and nested tuplets: This class can handle time signature changes as well as nested tuplets. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 5/4 r4 \times 2/3 {c'4 d'2} e'4. f'8 " ... r"\times 4/5 {\time 4/4 g'2. \times 2/3 {a'8 r8 b'2}}" ... ) >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=4, ... k=2, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { \time 5/4 r4 \times 2/3 { c'4 d'2 } r4. f'8 \times 4/5 { \time 4/4 r2. \times 2/3 { a'8 r8 r2 } } } \new Staff { \time 5/4 R1 * 5/4 \time 4/4 R1 } \new Staff { \time 5/4 r4 \times 2/3 { r4 d'2 } e'4. f'8 \times 4/5 { \time 4/4 r2. \times 2/3 { a'8 r8 b'2 } } } \new Staff { \time 5/4 r4 \times 2/3 { c'4 r2 } r2 \times 4/5 { \time 4/4 g'2. \times 2/3 { r4 b'2 } } } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-seuga1yah9h.png :attr:`omit_time_signatures`: To disable time signatures altogether, initialise this class with the keyword argument :attr:`omit_time_signatures` set to ``True`` (default is ``False``), or use the :attr:`omit_time_signatures` property after initialisation. It is recommended to also set :attr:`use_multimeasure_rests` to ``False``, as those are created according to the original time signatures. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'4 a'4") >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... omit_time_signatures=True, ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { r2. r4 g'4 a'4 } \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 r2 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-6w9r9iicp29.png Indicators: Dynamics and hairpins are supported. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"c'2-.\p\< d'2-.\f\> e'1 f'2.\pp\< g'4--\p " ... r"a'2\ff\> b'2\p\> ~ b'2 c''2\ppp" ... ) >>> hocketer = auxjad.Hocketer(container, ... n_voices=3, ... k=2, ... force_k_voices=True, ... ) >>> music = hocketer() >>> score = abjad.Score() >>> for selection in music: ... score.append(abjad.Staff(selection)) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { c'2 \p - \staccato \< d'2 \f - \staccato \> e'1 f'2. \pp \< g'4 \p - \tenuto a'2 \ff \> r2 \p r2 c''2 \ppp } \new Staff { r2 d'2 \f - \staccato \> e'1 r2. \pp g'4 \p - \tenuto r2 b'2 \> ~ b'2 r2 \ppp } \new Staff { c'2 \p - \staccato \< r2 \f R1 f'2. \pp \< r4 \p a'2 \ff \> b'2 \p \> ~ b'2 c''2 \ppp } >> .. figure:: ../_images/Hocketer-zel37ga6xob.png .. tip:: The functions |auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_dynamics()| and |auxjad.mutate.reposition_clefs()| can be used to clean the output and remove repeated dynamics and unnecessary clef changes. .. warning:: Do note that some elements that span multiple notes (such as ottava indicators, manual beams, etc.) can become problematic when notes containing them are split into two. As a rule of thumb, it is always better to attach those to the music after the fading process has ended. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ('_contents', '_n_voices', '_weights', '_k', '_pitch_ranges', '_force_k_voices', '_explode_chords', '_disable_rewrite_meter', '_use_multimeasure_rests', '_voices', '_time_signatures', '_boundary_depth', '_maximum_dot_count', '_rewrite_tuplets', '_omit_time_signatures', '_prettify_rewrite_meter', '_extract_trivial_tuplets', '_fuse_across_groups_of_beats', '_fuse_quadruple_meter', '_fuse_triple_meter', ) ### INITIALISER ###
[docs] def __init__(self, contents: abjad.Container, *, n_voices: int = 2, pitch_ranges: Optional[list] = None, weights: Optional[list] = None, k: int = 1, force_k_voices: bool = False, explode_chords: bool = False, disable_rewrite_meter: bool = False, use_multimeasure_rests: bool = True, omit_time_signatures: bool = False, boundary_depth: Optional[int] = None, maximum_dot_count: Optional[int] = None, rewrite_tuplets: bool = True, prettify_rewrite_meter: bool = True, extract_trivial_tuplets: bool = True, fuse_across_groups_of_beats: bool = True, fuse_quadruple_meter: bool = True, fuse_triple_meter: bool = True, ) -> None: r'Initialises self.' self.contents = contents self._voices = None self._n_voices = n_voices self._k = k if weights is not None: self.weights = weights else: self.reset_weights() self.pitch_ranges = pitch_ranges self.force_k_voices = force_k_voices self.explode_chords = explode_chords self.disable_rewrite_meter = disable_rewrite_meter self.use_multimeasure_rests = use_multimeasure_rests self.omit_time_signatures = omit_time_signatures self.boundary_depth = boundary_depth self.maximum_dot_count = maximum_dot_count self.rewrite_tuplets = rewrite_tuplets self.prettify_rewrite_meter = prettify_rewrite_meter self.extract_trivial_tuplets = extract_trivial_tuplets self.fuse_across_groups_of_beats = fuse_across_groups_of_beats self.fuse_quadruple_meter = fuse_quadruple_meter self.fuse_triple_meter = fuse_triple_meter
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: r'Returns interpreter representation of :attr:`contents`.' return abjad.lilypond(self._contents)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: r'Returns the number of voices of the hocketer.' return self._n_voices
[docs] def __call__(self) -> tuple[abjad.Selection]: r"""Calls the hocket process, returning a :obj:`tuple` of |abjad.Selection|. """ self._make_music() return self.current_window
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Returns one or more voices of the output of the hocketer through indexing or slicing. """ output = [] for voice in self._voices[key]: voice_ = abjad.mutate.copy(voice) output.append(voice_) return tuple(output)
[docs] def reset_weights(self) -> None: r'Resets the weight vector of all voices to an uniform distribution.' self._weights = [1.0 for _ in range(self.__len__())]
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _make_music(self) -> None: r"""Runs the hocket process, returning a :obj:`tuple` of |abjad.Container()|. It distributes the logical ties from the :attr:`contents` into different voices. Voices can have different weights, and the process of distributing a same logical tie can be run more than once (defined by the attribute :attr:`k`). """ # distributing logical ties into voices dummy_voices = self._hocket_process() # handling dynamics and slurs for voice in dummy_voices: mutate.reposition_dynamics(voice[:]) mutate.reposition_slurs(voice[:]) # rewriting meter if not self._disable_rewrite_meter: for voice in dummy_voices: mutate.auto_rewrite_meter( voice, meter_list=self._time_signatures, boundary_depth=self._boundary_depth, maximum_dot_count=self._maximum_dot_count, rewrite_tuplets=self._rewrite_tuplets, prettify_rewrite_meter=self._prettify_rewrite_meter, extract_trivial_tuplets=self._extract_trivial_tuplets, fuse_across_groups_of_beats=( self.fuse_across_groups_of_beats ), fuse_quadruple_meter=self._fuse_quadruple_meter, fuse_triple_meter=self._fuse_triple_meter, ) # handling empty tuplets and multi-measure rests if self._use_multimeasure_rests: for voice in dummy_voices: mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(voice[:]) # output self._voices = [] for voice in dummy_voices: self._voices.append(voice[:]) voice[:] = [] def _hocket_process(self) -> abjad.Container: r"""Replaces notes and chords for silences if voice not in the selected :obj:`list` for a given logical tie. """ indicators_tuple = (abjad.BarLine, abjad.Clef, abjad.Dynamic, abjad.Fermata, abjad.KeySignature, abjad.LilyPondLiteral, abjad.MetronomeMark, abjad.Ottava, abjad.RehearsalMark, abjad.Repeat, abjad.StaffChange, abjad.StartHairpin, abjad.StartMarkup, abjad.StartPhrasingSlur, abjad.StartSlur, abjad.StartTextSpan, abjad.StopHairpin, abjad.StopPhrasingSlur, abjad.StopSlur, abjad.StopTextSpan, abjad.TimeSignature, ) dummy_voices = [abjad.mutate.copy(self._contents) for _ in range(self._n_voices)] selected_voices = self._select_voices() for voice_index, voice in enumerate(dummy_voices): logical_ties = for logical_tie, selected_indeces in zip(logical_ties, selected_voices, ): if voice_index not in selected_indeces: for leaf in logical_tie: rest = abjad.Rest(leaf.written_duration) for indicator in abjad.get.indicators(leaf): if isinstance(indicator, indicators_tuple): abjad.attach(indicator, rest) abjad.mutate.replace(leaf, rest) elif (isinstance(logical_tie.head, abjad.Chord) and self._explode_chords): pitch_number = selected_indeces.index(voice_index) pitch = logical_tie.head.written_pitches[pitch_number] for leaf in logical_tie: note = abjad.Note(pitch, leaf.written_duration) for indicator in abjad.get.indicators(leaf): abjad.attach(indicator, note) abjad.mutate.replace(leaf, note) return dummy_voices def _select_voices(self) -> list[int]: r'Creates a :obj:`list` of selected voices for each logical tie.' selected_voices = [] if not self._force_k_voices: for logical_tie in # 1st case: exploding chords and ignoring k if (isinstance(logical_tie.head, abjad.Chord) and self._explode_chords): pitches = logical_tie.head.written_pitches counter = 0 while True: if len(pitches) > self._n_voices: sample_k = self._n_voices else: sample_k = len(pitches) voices = random.sample(list(range(self._n_voices)), k=sample_k, ) counter += 1 if all(self._pitch_in_range(pitch, voice) for voice, pitch in zip(voices, pitches)): break elif counter >= 1000: raise RuntimeError('No good distribution of chord ' 'found, please check the pitch ' 'ranges or try another seed.') selected_voices.append(voices) # 2nd case: distributing leaves into up to k voices, though # not enforcing k voices else: pitch = self._get_pitch_from_logical_tie(logical_tie) counter = 0 while True: voices = random.choices(list(range(self._n_voices)), weights=self._weights, k=self._k, ) counter += 1 if all(self._pitch_in_range(pitch, voice) for voice in voices): break if counter >= 1000: raise RuntimeError('No good distribution of notes ' 'found, please check pitch ' 'ranges or try another seed.') selected_voices.append(voices) # 3rd case: distributing leaves into exactly k voices else: for logical_tie in pitch = self._get_pitch_from_logical_tie(logical_tie) counter = 0 voices = [] while len(voices) < self._k: voice = random.choices(list(range(self._n_voices)), weights=self._weights, )[0] counter += 1 if voice in voices: continue if self._pitch_in_range(pitch, voice): voices.append(voice) if counter >= 1000: raise RuntimeError('No good distribution of notes ' 'found, please check pitch ' 'ranges or try another seed.') selected_voices.append(voices) return selected_voices def _pitch_in_range(self, pitch: Union[abjad.Pitch, abjad.PitchSegment, None], voice: int, ) -> bool: r'Checks if a pitch is playable by a specific voice.' if self._pitch_ranges is None or pitch is None: return True elif isinstance(pitch, abjad.PitchSegment): if (min(pitch) in self._pitch_ranges[voice] and max(pitch) in self._pitch_ranges[voice]): return True if pitch in self._pitch_ranges[voice]: return True return False def _get_lilypond_format(self) -> str: r'Returns interpreter representation of :attr:`contents`.' return self.__repr__() @staticmethod def _get_pitch_from_logical_tie(logical_tie: abjad.LogicalTie, ) -> Union[abjad.Pitch, abjad.PitchSegment, None, ]: if isinstance(logical_tie.head, abjad.Note): return logical_tie.head.written_pitch elif isinstance(logical_tie.head, abjad.Chord): return logical_tie.head.written_pitches else: return None @staticmethod def _remove_all_time_signatures(container) -> None: r'Removes all time signatures of an |abjad.Container|.' for leaf in if abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.TimeSignature): abjad.detach(abjad.TimeSignature, leaf) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def contents(self) -> abjad.Container: r'The |abjad.Container| to be hocketed.' return abjad.mutate.copy(self._contents) @contents.setter def contents(self, contents: abjad.Container, ) -> None: if not isinstance(contents, abjad.Container): raise TypeError("'contents' must be 'abjad.Container' or child " "class") if not raise ValueError("'contents' must be contiguous logical voice") if isinstance(contents, abjad.Score): self._contents = abjad.mutate.copy(contents[0]) elif isinstance(contents, abjad.Tuplet): self._contents = abjad.Container([abjad.mutate.copy(contents)]) else: self._contents = abjad.mutate.copy(contents) self._time_signatures = get.time_signature_list( contents, do_not_use_none=True, ) @property def n_voices(self) -> int: r'Number of individual voices in the output.' return self._n_voices @n_voices.setter def n_voices(self, n_voices: int, ) -> None: if not isinstance(n_voices, int): raise TypeError("'n_voices' must be 'int'") if n_voices < 1: raise ValueError("'n_voices' must be greater than zero") if self._force_k_voices and self._k > n_voices: raise ValueError("'n_voices' cannot be smaller than 'k' when " "'force_k_voices' is set to True") self._n_voices = n_voices self._pitch_ranges = None @property def weights(self) -> list[Union[float, int]]: r'The :obj:`list` with weights for each voice.' return self._weights @weights.setter def weights(self, weights: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]], ) -> None: if weights is not None: if not isinstance(weights, list): raise TypeError("'weights' must be 'list'") if not self.__len__() == len(weights): raise ValueError("'weights' must have the same length as " "'n_voices'") if not all(isinstance(weight, (int, float)) for weight in weights): raise TypeError("'weights' elements must be 'int' or 'float'") self._weights = weights[:] else: self.reset_weights() @property def k(self) -> int: r'Number of random choice operations applied to a logical tie.' return self._k @k.setter def k(self, k: int, ) -> None: if not isinstance(k, int): raise TypeError("'k' must be 'int'") if k < 1: raise ValueError("'k' must be greater than zero") if self._force_k_voices and k > self._n_voices: raise ValueError("'k' cannot be greater than 'n_voices' when " "'force_k_voices' is set to True") self._k = k @property def pitch_ranges(self) -> list: r"""List of tuples or lists for the pitch ranges of each voice. Use the format: [(min0, max0), (min1, max1), (min2, max2), ...] ... where the indices are the voice numbers. """ return self._pitch_ranges @pitch_ranges.setter def pitch_ranges(self, pitch_ranges: Optional[list], ) -> None: if pitch_ranges is not None: if not isinstance(pitch_ranges, list): raise TypeError("'pitch_ranges' must be 'list'") if len(pitch_ranges) != self._n_voices: raise ValueError("'pitch_ranges' must have length 'n_voices'") for voice_range in pitch_ranges: if not isinstance(voice_range, abjad.PitchRange): raise TypeError("elements of 'pitch_ranges' must be " "'abjad.PitchRange'") self._pitch_ranges = pitch_ranges @property def explode_chords(self) -> bool: r"""When ``True``, the hocket process will consider each note of a chord individually, 'exploding' it into several voices. """ return self._explode_chords @explode_chords.setter def explode_chords(self, explode_chords: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(explode_chords, bool): raise TypeError("'explode_chords' must be 'bool'") self._explode_chords = explode_chords @property def force_k_voices(self) -> bool: r"""When ``True``, the hocket process will ensure that each logical tie is distributed among :attr:`k` voices. """ return self._force_k_voices @force_k_voices.setter def force_k_voices(self, force_k_voices: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(force_k_voices, bool): raise TypeError("'force_k_voices' must be 'bool'") if force_k_voices and self._k > self._n_voices: raise ValueError("'force_k_voices' cannot be set to True if 'k' > " "'n_voices', change 'k' first") self._force_k_voices = force_k_voices @property def omit_time_signatures(self) -> bool: r'When ``True``, all time signatures will be omitted from the output.' return self._omit_time_signatures @omit_time_signatures.setter def omit_time_signatures(self, omit_time_signatures: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(omit_time_signatures, bool): raise TypeError("'omit_time_signatures' must be 'bool'") self._omit_time_signatures = omit_time_signatures @property def disable_rewrite_meter(self) -> bool: r"""When ``True``, the durations of the notes in the output will not be rewritten by the |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()| mutation. Rests will have the same duration as the logical ties they replaced. """ return self._disable_rewrite_meter @disable_rewrite_meter.setter def disable_rewrite_meter(self, disable_rewrite_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(disable_rewrite_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'disable_rewrite_meter' must be 'bool'") self._disable_rewrite_meter = disable_rewrite_meter @property def use_multimeasure_rests(self) -> bool: r'When ``True``, multi-measure rests will be used for silent measures.' return self._use_multimeasure_rests @use_multimeasure_rests.setter def use_multimeasure_rests(self, use_multimeasure_rests: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(use_multimeasure_rests, bool): raise TypeError("'use_multimeasure_rests' must be 'bool'") self._use_multimeasure_rests = use_multimeasure_rests @property def boundary_depth(self) -> Union[int, None]: r"""Sets the argument ``boundary_depth`` of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._boundary_depth @boundary_depth.setter def boundary_depth(self, boundary_depth: Optional[int], ) -> None: if boundary_depth is not None: if not isinstance(boundary_depth, int): raise TypeError("'boundary_depth' must be 'int'") self._boundary_depth = boundary_depth @property def maximum_dot_count(self) -> Union[int, None]: r"""Sets the argument ``maximum_dot_count`` of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._maximum_dot_count @maximum_dot_count.setter def maximum_dot_count(self, maximum_dot_count: Optional[int], ) -> None: if maximum_dot_count is not None: if not isinstance(maximum_dot_count, int): raise TypeError("'maximum_dot_count' must be 'int'") self._maximum_dot_count = maximum_dot_count @property def rewrite_tuplets(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``rewrite_tuplets`` of |abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._rewrite_tuplets @rewrite_tuplets.setter def rewrite_tuplets(self, rewrite_tuplets: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(rewrite_tuplets, bool): raise TypeError("'rewrite_tuplets' must be 'bool'") self._rewrite_tuplets = rewrite_tuplets @property def prettify_rewrite_meter(self) -> bool: r"""Used to enable or disable the mutation |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()| (default ``True``). """ return self._prettify_rewrite_meter @prettify_rewrite_meter.setter def prettify_rewrite_meter(self, prettify_rewrite_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(prettify_rewrite_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'prettify_rewrite_meter' must be 'bool'") self._prettify_rewrite_meter = prettify_rewrite_meter @property def extract_trivial_tuplets(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``extract_trivial_tuplets`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._extract_trivial_tuplets @extract_trivial_tuplets.setter def extract_trivial_tuplets(self, extract_trivial_tuplets: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(extract_trivial_tuplets, bool): raise TypeError("'extract_trivial_tuplets' must be 'bool'") self._extract_trivial_tuplets = extract_trivial_tuplets @property def fuse_across_groups_of_beats(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``fuse_across_groups_of_beats`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._fuse_across_groups_of_beats @fuse_across_groups_of_beats.setter def fuse_across_groups_of_beats(self, fuse_across_groups_of_beats: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(fuse_across_groups_of_beats, bool): raise TypeError("'fuse_across_groups_of_beats' must be 'bool'") self._fuse_across_groups_of_beats = fuse_across_groups_of_beats @property def fuse_quadruple_meter(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``fuse_quadruple_meter`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._fuse_quadruple_meter @fuse_quadruple_meter.setter def fuse_quadruple_meter(self, fuse_quadruple_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(fuse_quadruple_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'fuse_quadruple_meter' must be 'bool'") self._fuse_quadruple_meter = fuse_quadruple_meter @property def fuse_triple_meter(self) -> bool: r"""Sets the argument ``fuse_triple_meter`` of |auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter()|. """ return self._fuse_triple_meter @fuse_triple_meter.setter def fuse_triple_meter(self, fuse_triple_meter: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(fuse_triple_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'fuse_triple_meter' must be 'bool'") self._fuse_triple_meter = fuse_triple_meter @property def current_window(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: r"""Read-only property, returns the result of the last operation as a :obj:`tuple` of |abjad.Selection|.. """ if self._voices is not None: output = [] for voice in self._voices: voice_ = abjad.mutate.copy(voice) if self._omit_time_signatures: self._remove_all_time_signatures(voice_) output.append([voice_])) return tuple(output[:]) else: return self._voices