Source code for auxjad.core.PitchRandomiser

import random
from typing import Optional, Union

import abjad

from .. import mutate
from .TenneySelector import TenneySelector

[docs]class PitchRandomiser: r"""Takes an input |abjad.Container| (or child class) together with a list of pitches and randomises the container's pitch content using the list of pitches. The pitches can be of type :obj:`list`, :obj:`tuple`, :obj:`str`, or |abjad.PitchSegment|. Basic usage: Calling the object will output a selection of the input container with randomised pitches. Pitches are randomly selected from :attr:`pitches`. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> .. docs:: { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-PxSLuwtgn9.png >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b' cs''" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 a'4 b'4 cs''4 fs'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-134lqskbb6o.png >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 b'4 b'4 b'4 fs'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-z66g1fy8nm8.png To get the result of the last operation, use the property :attr:`current_window`. >>> notes = randomiser.current_window >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 b'4 b'4 b'4 fs'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-x0e6yduogh.png .. warning:: Unlike the other classes in Auxjad, the very first call of this class will already process the initial container. To disable this behaviour and output the initial container once before randomising its pitches, initialise the class with the keyword argument :attr:`process_on_first_call` set to ``False``. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... process_on_first_call=False, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-640x6vsjwtk.png >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { b'4 fs'4 gs'4 fs'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-vsjdj8gkanj.png :func:`len()`: Applying the :func:`len()` function to the randomiser will return the number of pitches in :attr:`pitches`. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> len(randomiser) 4 >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> pitches = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> len(randomiser) 7 Arguments and properties: This class has many keyword arguments, all of which can be altered after instantiation using properties with the same names as shown below. :attr:`weights` takes a :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`'s or :obj:`float`'s representing the weight of each pitch from :attr:`pitches` (their lengths must also match). :attr:`omit_time_signatures` will remove all time signatures from the output (both are ``False`` by default). :attr:`process_on_first_call` to ``True`` and the random pitch process will be applied on the very first call. Setting :attr:`use_tenney_selector` to ``True`` will make the randomiser use :class:`auxjad.TenneySelector` for the random selection instead of :func:`random.choices()` (default is ``False``). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser( ... container, ... pitches=r"a b cs' ds' e'", ... weights=[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.3], ... omit_time_signatures=True, ... process_on_first_call=True, ... use_tenney_selector=True, ... ) >>> randomiser.pitches <a b cs' ds' e'> >>> randomiser.weights [1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.3] >>> randomiser.omit_time_signatures True >>> randomiser.process_on_first_call True >>> randomiser.use_tenney_selector True Use the properties below to change these values after initialisation. >>> randomiser.pitches = abjad.PitchSegment(r"c' d' e' f'") >>> randomiser.weights = [1, 2, 5, 8] >>> randomiser.omit_time_signatures = False >>> randomiser.process_on_first_call = False >>> randomiser.use_tenney_selector = False >>> randomiser.pitches <c' d' e' f'> >>> randomiser.weights [1, 2, 5, 8] >>> randomiser.omit_time_signatures False >>> randomiser.process_on_first_call False >>> randomiser.use_tenney_selector False Rests: Only pitched logical ties are randomised, rests are left untouched. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8. d'4 r8 r8. e'16 f'8.") >>> pitches = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { bf'8. af'4 r8 r8. bf'16 a'8. } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-u4294ozm92.png Chords: Each note of a chord is randomised too. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g'>8. d'4 r8 r8. e'16 <f' a'>8." ... ) >>> pitches = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { <fs' g' bf'>8. b'4 r8 r8. bf'16 <fs' bf'>8. } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-318eldj7tzc.png The number of notes in a chord stay the same unless there are fewer pitches available in :attr:`pitches`. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"<c' e' g' a'>2 <cs' ds' e' f' g' a' b'>2" ... ) >>> pitches = [6, 7, 8] >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { <fs' g' af'>2 <fs' g' af'>2 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-cciyee49qrj.png :attr:`use_tenney_selector`: Setting :attr:`use_tenney_selector` to ``True`` will make the randomiser use :class:`auxjad.TenneySelector` for the random selection instead of :func:`random.choices()` (default is ``False``). :class:`auxjad.TenneySelector` will raise the chance of a pitch being selected the longer it hasn't been selected, and will forbid immediate repetitions of pitches. See its documentation for more information. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c'8") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... use_tenney_selector=True, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { fs'8 a'8 fs'8 gs'8 a'8 b'8 gs'8 fs'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-tmxllu13pa8.png :attr:`weights`: Individual pitches can have different weights, defined by the :attr:`weights` property. It takes a :obj:`list` of :obj:`float`'s or :obj:`int`'s. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c'8") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... weights=[5.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0], ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { b'8 fs'8 gs'8 gs'8 gs'8 fs'8 fs'8 a'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-zkvbzd1brgq.png :attr:`weights` and :attr:`use_tenney_selector`: Non-uniform :attr:`weights` can also be used when :attr:`use_tenney_selector` is set to ``True``. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c'8") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... weights=[5.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0], ... use_tenney_selector=True, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { fs'8 gs'8 a'8 fs'8 gs'8 a'8 gs'8 b'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-cq1nobkjozg.png Resetting :attr:`weights`: Setting :attr:`weights` to ``None`` will reset it back to a uniform distribution. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c'8") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... weights=[100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { fs'8 fs'8 fs'8 fs'8 fs'8 fs'8 fs'8 fs'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-wtl5o15q5qp.png >>> randomiser.weights = None >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { fs'8 fs'8 b'8 gs'8 gs'8 a'8 fs'8 b'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-4bqe6cbawg6.png Changing :attr:`pitches`: When using a custom :obj:`list` of :attr:`weights`, changing the :attr:`pitches` to a series of new values with the same length will preserve the :attr:`weights` values. If on the other hand :attr:`pitches` changes in length, :attr:`weights` is reset to ``None`` (i.e. uniform distribution). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'8 d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c'8") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... weights=[100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], ... ) >>> randomiser.pitches = r"c'' d'' e'' f''" >>> randomiser.pitches <c'' d'' e'' f''> >>> randomiser.weights [100.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] >>> randomiser.pitches = r"c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a'' b''" >>> randomiser.pitches <c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a'' b''> >>> randomiser.weights None .. error:: Note that :attr:`weights` must always have the same length as :attr:`pitches`, otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` exception will be raised. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> weights = [1, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 8] >>> auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, pitches, weights=weights) ValueError: 'weights' must have the same length as 'pitches' :meth:`output_n`: To output several randomised containers at once, use the method :meth:`output_n`, inputting the desired number of iterations. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'4 ~ c'16 r8. d'4 e'8. r16") >>> pitches = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser.output_n(3) >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { a'4 ~ a'16 r8. g'4 fs'8. r16 g'4 ~ g'16 r8. g'4 fs'8. r16 bf'4 ~ bf'16 r8. a'4 af'8. r16 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-fvwaaz3vgi.png Indicators: This class preserves indicators. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"c'4\p\< ~ c'8. d'16-.\f e'4--\pp f'8.( g'16)" ... ) >>> pitches = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { a'4 \p \< ~ a'8. c''16 \f - \staccato af'4 \pp - \tenuto a'8. ( bf'16 ) } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-2e647eng8yc.png Example: This class also preserves the time signature structure. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'2 \time 2/4 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8" ... ) >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 a'4 fs'2 \time 2/4 gs'8 gs'8 a'8 gs'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-c9t7r3thrqg.png :attr:`omit_time_signatures`: To omit time signatures altogether, set :attr:`omit_time_signatures` to ``True`` (default is ``False``). >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'2 \time 2/4 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8" ... ) >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b'" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... omit_time_signatures=True, ... ) >>> notes = randomiser() >>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { a'4 fs'2 gs'8 gs'8 a'8 gs'8 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-mwruvbmgu3o.png Using as iterator: The instances of this class can also be used as an iterator, which can then be used in a for loop. Note that unlike the method :meth:`output_n`, time signatures are added to each window returned by the randomiser. Use the function |auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures()| to clean the output when using this class in this way. It is also important to note that a ``break`` statement is needed when using this class as an iterator. The reason is that pitch randomisation is a process that can happen indefinitely (unlike some of the other classes in this library). >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> pitches = r"fs' gs' a' b' cs''" >>> randomiser = auxjad.PitchRandomiser(container, ... pitches, ... ) >>> staff = abjad.Staff() >>> for window in randomiser: ... staff.append(window) ... if abjad.get.duration(staff) == abjad.Duration((9, 4)): ... break >>> auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures(staff) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 a'4 b'4 gs'4 fs'4 a'4 b'4 a'4 gs'4 cs''4 } .. figure:: ../_images/PitchRandomiser-2c9zzip8tpc.png .. tip:: The functions |auxjad.mutate.remove_repeated_dynamics()| and |auxjad.mutate.reposition_clefs()| can be used to clean the output and remove repeated dynamics and unnecessary clef changes. """ ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = ('_contents', '_pitches', '_weights', '_omit_time_signatures', '_process_on_first_call', '_use_tenney_selector', '_tenney_selector', '_current_window', '_is_first_window', ) ### INITIALISER ###
[docs] def __init__(self, contents: abjad.Container, pitches: Union[list[Union[int, float, str, abjad.Pitch]], tuple[Union[int, float, str, abjad.Pitch]], str, abjad.PitchSegment, ], *, weights: Optional[list] = None, omit_time_signatures: bool = False, process_on_first_call: bool = True, use_tenney_selector: bool = False, ) -> None: r'Initialises self.' self.contents = contents self._weights = [] self.pitches = pitches self.weights = weights self.omit_time_signatures = omit_time_signatures self.process_on_first_call = process_on_first_call self.use_tenney_selector = use_tenney_selector self._is_first_window = True
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: r'Returns interpreter representation of :attr:`pitches`.' return repr(self._pitches)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: r'Returns the number of available :attr:`pitches`.' return len(self._pitches)
[docs] def __call__(self) -> abjad.Selection: r'Calls the randomise process, returning an |abjad.Selection|' self._randomise() return self.current_window
[docs] def __next__(self) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Calls the randomise process for one iteration, returning an |abjad.Selection|. """ return self.__call__()
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> None: r'Returns an iterator, allowing instances to be used as iterators.' return self
[docs] def output_n(self, n: int, ) -> abjad.Selection: r"""Goes through ``n`` iterations of the pitch randomisation process and outputs a single |abjad.Selection|. """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("argument must be 'int'") if n < 1: raise ValueError("argument must be greater than zero") dummy_container = abjad.Container() for _ in range(n): dummy_container.append(self.__call__()) mutate.remove_repeated_time_signatures(dummy_container[:]) mutate.remove_repeated_dynamics(dummy_container[:]) output = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] return output
### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _randomise(self) -> abjad.Selection: r'Randomises pitches of :attr:`contents`.' if self._is_first_window and not self._process_on_first_call: self._is_first_window = False else: self._rewrite_pitches() def _rewrite_pitches(self) -> None: r'Rewrites the pitches of the current window.' dummy_container = abjad.mutate.copy(self._contents) logical_ties = for logical_tie in logical_ties: if isinstance(logical_tie[0], abjad.Note): pitch = self._pick_random_pitch() for leaf in logical_tie: leaf.written_pitch = pitch elif isinstance(logical_tie[0], abjad.Chord): chord_n = len(logical_tie[0].written_pitches) if chord_n > self.__len__(): pitches = self._pitches else: pitches = [] while len(pitches) < chord_n: pitch = self._pick_random_pitch() if pitch not in pitches: pitches.append(pitch) for leaf in logical_tie: leaf.written_pitches = pitches # output self._is_first_window = False self._current_window = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] def _pick_random_pitch(self) -> abjad.Pitch: r"""Random pitch selector, using either :func:`random.choices()` or :class:`auxjad.TenneySelector`. """ if not self._use_tenney_selector: return random.choices(self._pitches, weights=self._weights, )[0] else: return self._tenney_selector() @staticmethod def _remove_all_time_signatures(container) -> None: r'Removes all time signatures of an |abjad.Container|.' for leaf in if abjad.get.effective(leaf, abjad.TimeSignature): abjad.detach(abjad.TimeSignature, leaf) ### PUBLIC PROPERTIES ### @property def contents(self) -> abjad.Container: r'The |abjad.Container| to be shuffled.' return abjad.mutate.copy(self._contents) @contents.setter def contents(self, contents: abjad.Container, ) -> None: if not isinstance(contents, abjad.Container): raise TypeError("'contents' must be 'abjad.Container' or child " "class") if not raise ValueError("'contents' must be contiguous logical voice") if isinstance(contents, abjad.Score): self._contents = abjad.mutate.copy(contents[0]) elif isinstance(contents, abjad.Tuplet): self._contents = abjad.Container([abjad.mutate.copy(contents)]) else: self._contents = abjad.mutate.copy(contents) dummy_container = abjad.mutate.copy(contents) self._current_window = dummy_container[:] dummy_container[:] = [] self._is_first_window = True @property def pitches(self) -> abjad.PitchSegment: r'Pitches available for the randomiser.' return self._pitches @pitches.setter def pitches(self, pitches: Union[list[Union[int, float, str, abjad.Pitch]], tuple[Union[int, float, str, abjad.Pitch]], str, abjad.PitchSegment, ], ) -> None: if not isinstance(pitches, (list, tuple, str, abjad.PitchSegment)): raise TypeError("'pitches' must be 'list', 'tuple', 'str', or " "'abjad.PitchSegment'") if isinstance(pitches, (list, tuple, str)): self._pitches = abjad.PitchSegment(pitches) else: self._pitches = pitches pitch_list = [pitch for pitch in self._pitches] self._tenney_selector = TenneySelector(pitch_list) if self._weights is not None: if len(pitch_list) != len(self._weights): self.weights = None @property def weights(self) -> list[Union[float, int]]: r'The :obj:`list` with weights for each element of :attr:`pitches`' return self._weights @weights.setter def weights(self, weights: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]], ) -> None: if weights is not None: if not isinstance(weights, list): raise TypeError("'weights' must be 'list'") if not self.__len__() == len(weights): raise ValueError("'weights' must have the same length as " "'pitches'") if not all(isinstance(weight, (int, float)) for weight in weights): raise TypeError("'weights' elements must be 'int' or 'float'") self._weights = weights[:] else: self._weights = None self._tenney_selector.weights = self._weights @property def omit_time_signatures(self) -> bool: r'When ``True``, the output will contain no time signatures.' return self._omit_time_signatures @omit_time_signatures.setter def omit_time_signatures(self, omit_time_signatures: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(omit_time_signatures, bool): raise TypeError("'omit_time_signatures' must be 'bool'") self._omit_time_signatures = omit_time_signatures @property def process_on_first_call(self) -> bool: r"""If ``True`` then :attr:`contents` will be processed in the very first call. """ return self._process_on_first_call @process_on_first_call.setter def process_on_first_call(self, process_on_first_call: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(process_on_first_call, bool): raise TypeError("'process_on_first_call' must be 'bool'") self._process_on_first_call = process_on_first_call @property def use_tenney_selector(self) -> bool: r"""If ``True`` then the pitches will be selected using :class:`auxjad.TenneySelector`, otherwise they are chosen using a uniform random distribution. """ return self._use_tenney_selector @use_tenney_selector.setter def use_tenney_selector(self, use_tenney_selector: bool, ) -> None: if not isinstance(use_tenney_selector, bool): raise TypeError("'use_tenney_selector' must be 'bool'") self._use_tenney_selector = use_tenney_selector @property def current_window(self) -> abjad.Selection: r'Read-only property, returns the result of the last operation.' current_window = abjad.mutate.copy(self._current_window) if self._omit_time_signatures: self._remove_all_time_signatures(current_window) return current_window