Source code for auxjad.mutate.contract_notes

import abjad

from .. import get, mutate

[docs]def contract_notes(container: abjad.Container, max_contraction_duration: abjad.Duration, *, minimum_duration: abjad.Duration = abjad.Duration((0, 1)), use_multimeasure_rests: bool = True, rewrite_meter: bool = True, ) -> None: r"""Mutates an input |abjad.Container| (or child class) in place and has no return value; this function contracts all logical ties (notes and chords) by a maximum contraction duration. Basic usage: This function will contract the duration of each logical tie up by the allowed maximum contraction duration. >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4 r2. d'2 r2 e'2. r4 f'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 r2. d'2 r2 e'2. r4 f'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-DtvjEcpLMF.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 8))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'8 r2.. d'4. r8 r2 e'2 ~ e'8 r4. f'2.. r8 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-PEgTVggwUR.png .. note:: Auxjad automatically adds this function as an extension function to |abjad.mutate|. It can thus be used from either |auxjad.mutate|_ or |abjad.mutate| namespaces. Therefore, the two lines below are equivalent: >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff) >>> abjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff) Chords: This function works with chords: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 c'2. <d' e' f'>2 r4 g'4 r2") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'2. <d' e' f'>2 r4 g'4 r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-MtQM9vn5rV.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 16))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'2 ~ c'8. r16 <d' e' f'>4.. r16 r4 g'8. r16 r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-3KViO6UZ74.png Second positional argument: The second positional argument must be an |abjad.Duration| or objects that can instantiate an |abjad.Duration|, such as :obj:`str`, :obj:`tuple`, :obj:`int`, and :obj:`float`. The notes will be contract by up to that duration, or until the note is removed: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"c'4 r2. d'2 r2 e'2. r4 f'1" ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 r2. d'2 r2 e'2. r4 f'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-OgFmg6p3VP.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 2))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { R1 R1 e'4 r2. f'2 r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-YfZ3maHywo.png Dynamics: Dynamics are preserved: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4\ppp r2. d'2\ff r2 e'2.\f r4 f'1\mp") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 \ppp r2. d'2 \ff r2 e'2. \f r4 f'1 \mp } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-zKIFJdZuSX.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 8))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'8 \ppp r2.. d'4. \ff r8 r2 e'2 \f ~ e'8 r4. f'2.. \mp r8 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-iKVB9DmxJf.png Time signatures changes: This function handles time signature changes: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\time 3/4 c'4 r2 " ... r"\time 2/4 d'2 " ... r"\time 3/4 e'2. " ... r"\time 4/4 f'1" ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'4 r2 \time 2/4 d'2 \time 3/4 e'2. \time 4/4 f'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-cpRcyhRgB7.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((3, 4))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'8 r8 r2 \time 2/4 d'4. r8 \time 3/4 e'2 ~ e'8 r8 \time 4/4 f'2.. r8 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-R6hnRYZU68.png ``minimum_duration``: Use the argument ``minimum_duration`` to ensure that notes will not be contracted further than this value: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4 r2. d'2 r2 e'2. r4 f'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'4 r2. d'2 r2 e'2. r4 f'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-lzHgoaJ2Es.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, ... abjad.Duration((1, 2)), ... minimum_duration=abjad.Duration((1, 8)), ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'8 r2.. d'8 r2.. e'4 r2. f'2 r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-o5lELCkJm8.png ``use_multimeasure_rests``: By default, this function uses multi-measure rests >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\time 4/4 c'4 r2. \time 3/4 d'4 r2 \time 4/4 e'4 r2." ... ) >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 2))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 R1 \time 3/4 R1 * 3/4 \time 4/4 R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-olfdBpIydF.png Set the keyword argument ``use_multimeasure_rests`` to ``False`` to disable this behaviour. >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\time 4/4 c'4 r2. \time 3/4 d'4 r2 \time 4/4 e'4 r2." ... ) >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, ... abjad.Duration((1, 2)), ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 r1 \time 3/4 r2. \time 4/4 r1 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-VNPRYNnFl5.png ``rewrite_meter`` By default, this function applies |auxjad.mutate.auto_rewrite_meter()| at the end of its process. >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 r8 c'8 ~ c'2 r8 d'8 ~ d'2") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 r8 c'8 ~ c'2 r8 d'8 ~ d'2 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-rGCxpXl3rI.png >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 8))) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 r8 c'8 ~ c'4. ~ r8 r8 d'8 ~ d'4. ~ r8 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-NoBsRNQJos.png Set ``rewrite_meter`` to ``False`` to disable this. The main reason for doing this is performance: when multiple mutations are being applied, it is faster to rewrite the meter just once at the end. >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 r8 c'8 ~ c'2 r8 d'8 ~ d'2") >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, ... abjad.Duration((1, 8)), ... rewrite_meter=False, ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 r8 c'2 ~ r8 r8 d'2 ~ r8 } .. figure:: ../_images/contract_notes-VNHowP6bFi.png .. warning:: This function does not support tuplets. Using a container with one or more tuplets will result in a :exc:`ValueError` exception being raised: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4 r4 \times 2/3 {r4 d'4 r4} e'4 r2.") >>> auxjad.mutate.contract_notes(staff, abjad.Duration((1, 8))) ValueError: first positional argument contains one ore more tuplets, which are not currently supported """ if not isinstance(container, abjad.Container): raise TypeError("first positional argument must be 'abjad.Container' " "or child class") if len( > 0: raise ValueError("first positional argument contains one ore more " "tuplets, which are not currently supported") if not isinstance(max_contraction_duration, (abjad.Duration, str, tuple, int, float), ): raise TypeError("second positional argument must be 'abjad.Duration', " "'str', 'tuple', or a number") if not isinstance(max_contraction_duration, abjad.Duration): max_contraction_duration = abjad.Duration(max_contraction_duration) if minimum_duration is not None: if not isinstance(minimum_duration, (abjad.Duration, str, tuple, int, float, )): raise TypeError("'minimum_duration' must be 'abjad.Duration', " "'str', 'tuple', or a number") if not isinstance(minimum_duration, abjad.Duration): minimum_duration = abjad.Duration(minimum_duration) if not isinstance(use_multimeasure_rests, bool): raise TypeError("'use_multimeasure_rests' must be 'bool'") if not isinstance(rewrite_meter, bool): raise TypeError("'rewrite_meter' must be 'bool'") time_signatures = get.time_signature_list(container, implicit_common_time=False, ) for logical_tie in if isinstance(logical_tie.head, (abjad.Rest, abjad.MultimeasureRest)): continue total_duration = abjad.get.duration(logical_tie) if total_duration <= minimum_duration: continue rest_duration = min(max_contraction_duration, total_duration - minimum_duration ) if rest_duration == abjad.Duration((0, 1)): continue pitched_duration = total_duration - rest_duration indicators = abjad.get.indicators(logical_tie.head) if pitched_duration > abjad.Duration((0, 1)): if isinstance(logical_tie.head, abjad.Note): pitches = logical_tie.head.written_pitch elif isinstance(logical_tie.head, abjad.Chord): pitches = [pitch for pitch in logical_tie.head.written_pitches] replacement_items = abjad.LeafMaker()( [pitches, None], [pitched_duration, rest_duration], ) if len(indicators) > 0: for indicator in indicators: abjad.attach(indicator, replacement_items[0]) else: replacement_items = abjad.LeafMaker()([None], [rest_duration]) abjad.mutate.replace(logical_tie, replacement_items) mutate.enforce_time_signature(container, time_signatures, disable_rewrite_meter=True, ) if rewrite_meter: mutate.auto_rewrite_meter(container) if use_multimeasure_rests: mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:])