Source code for auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest

import abjad

[docs]def rests_to_multimeasure_rest(selection: abjad.Selection, *, ignore_clefs: bool = False, ignore_dynamics: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Mutates an input |abjad.Selection| in place and has no return value; this function looks for measures filled with regular rests and converts them into an |abjad.MultimeasureRest|. Basic usage: Converts any measure filled with regular rests into a measure with a single multi-measure rest. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 r2.") >>> .. docs:: { \time 3/4 r2. } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-VIj5iWyLCG.png >>> auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:]) >>> .. docs:: { \time 3/4 R1 * 3/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-uvebc7ft1zo.png .. note:: Auxjad automatically adds this function as an extension function to |abjad.mutate|. It can thus be used from either |auxjad.mutate|_ or |abjad.mutate| namespaces. Therefore, the two lines below are equivalent: >>> auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(staff[:]) >>> abjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(staff[:]) Multiple rests: Works with measures with multiple regular rests. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"r2 r8.. r32 r16 r8 r16") >>> .. docs:: { r2 r8.. r32 r16 r8 r16 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-jk4m1wzsyfa.png >>> auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:]) >>> .. docs:: { R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-z8u0cs3fzdi.png .. note:: When using |abjad.Container|'s, all time signatures in the output will be commented out with ``%%%.`` This is because Abjad only applies time signatures to containers that belong to a |abjad.Staff|. The present function works with either |abjad.Container| and |abjad.Staff|. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> .. docs:: { %%% \time 3/4 %%% c'4 d'4 e'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-qtq55xbkkts.png >>> staff = abjad.Staff([container]) >>> .. docs:: { \time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-9hceg93vrmv.png Time signature changes: Works with selections from containers with multiple time signatures as well as notes. >>> container = abjad.Staff( ... r"\time 3/4 r2. | " ... "\time 6/8 r2. | " ... "\time 5/4 c'1 ~ c'4 | r1 r4" ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 r2. \time 6/8 r2. \time 5/4 c'1 ~ c'4 r1 r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-oQfFRihzEY.png >>> auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 R1 * 3/4 \time 6/8 R1 * 3/4 \time 5/4 c'1 ~ c'4 R1 * 5/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-a9sqdcznoq.png Tuplets: Works with containers with tuplets. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\times 2/3 {r2 r2 r2}") >>> .. docs:: { \times 2/3 { r2 r2 r2 } } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-480a9zqvk2a.png >>> auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:]) >>> .. docs:: { R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-r5yg3a3f97q.png It also works with containers with tuplets within tuplets. >>> container = abjad.Container( ... r"r2 \times 2/3 {r2 r4} \times 4/5 {r2. \times 2/3 {r2 r4}}" ... ) >>> .. docs:: { r2 \times 2/3 { r2 r4 } \times 4/5 { r2. \times 2/3 { r2 r4 } } } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-codydc205jw.png >>> auxjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:]) >>> .. docs:: { R1 R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-f647t5j3jgw.png ``ignore_clefs`` By default, the last clef of an empty measure is preserved when replacing it with a multi-measure rest: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\clef bass r4 r4 \times 2/3 {r4 r8} r4 " ... r"\time 3/4 \clef treble r2. " ... r"\time 5/4 r2 \clef bass r2." ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \clef "bass" r4 r4 \times 2/3 { r4 r8 } r4 \time 3/4 \clef "treble" r2. \time 5/4 r2 \clef "bass" r2. } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-6GMRGmYkEQ.png >>> abjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(staff[:]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \clef "bass" R1 \time 3/4 \clef "treble" R1 * 3/4 \time 5/4 \clef "bass" R1 * 5/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-UnL6ZoFoDC.png Invoke the mutation with ``ignore_clefs`` set to ``True`` to disable this behaviour and ignore all clefs: >>> staff = abjad.Staff( ... r"\clef bass r4 r4 \times 2/3 {r4 r8} r4 " ... r"\time 3/4 \clef treble r2. " ... r"\time 5/4 r2 \clef bass r2." ... ) >>> abjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest( ... staff[:], ... ignore_clefs=True, ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { R1 \time 3/4 R1 * 3/4 \time 5/4 R1 * 5/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-KGRZJ8fvQF.png ``ignore_dynamics`` By default, the last dynamic or hairpin of an empty measure is preserved when replacing it with a multi-measure rest: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1\p\< r2\! r2 d'1\f\> r2 r2\ppp") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'1 \p \< r2 \! r2 d'1 \f \> r2 r2 \ppp } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-J9T5UY8r9w.png >>> abjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest(staff[:]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'1 \p \< R1 \! d'1 \f \> R1 \ppp } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-77r9QeaZBA.png Invoke the mutation with ``ignore_dynamics`` set to ``True`` to disable this behaviour and ignore all dynamics and hairpins: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1\p\< r2\! r2 d'1\f\> r2 r2\ppp") >>> abjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest( ... staff[:], ... ignore_dynamics=True, ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { c'1 \p \< R1 d'1 \f \> R1 } .. figure:: ../_images/rests_to_multimeasure_rest-3UhZukx9Pw.png .. warning:: Note that dynamics are only ignored when converting rests to multi-measure rests. All other dynamics are preserved in the score. This can result in problems displaying dynamics when one or more unterminated hairpins is present. In the example above, the last note's hairpin is unterminated and, because of that, LilyPond ignores all dynamics in that staff: >>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1\p\< r2\! r2 d'1\f\> r2 r2\ppp") >>> abjad.mutate.rests_to_multimeasure_rest( ... staff[:], ... ignore_dynamics=True, ... ) >>> string = abjad.lilypond(staff) >>> print(string) \new Staff { c'1 \p \< R1 d'1 \f \> R1 } .. warning:: The input selection must be a contiguous logical voice. When dealing with a container with multiple subcontainers (e.g. a score containing multiple staves), the best approach is to cycle through these subcontainers, applying this function to them individually. """ if not isinstance(selection, abjad.Selection): raise TypeError("argument must be 'abjad.Selection'") if not selection.leaves().are_contiguous_logical_voice(): raise ValueError("argument must be contiguous logical voice") if not isinstance(ignore_clefs, bool): raise TypeError("'ignore_clefs' must be 'bool'") if not isinstance(ignore_dynamics, bool): raise TypeError("'ignore_dynamics' must be 'bool'") measures = selection.group_by_measure() effective_time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((4, 4)) indicators_tuple = (abjad.BarLine, abjad.Fermata, abjad.KeySignature, abjad.LilyPondLiteral, abjad.MetronomeMark, abjad.RehearsalMark, abjad.Repeat, abjad.StaffChange, abjad.StartMarkup, abjad.StartTextSpan, abjad.StopTextSpan, ) for measure in measures: head = time_signature = abjad.get.indicator(head, abjad.TimeSignature) if time_signature is not None: effective_time_signature = time_signature if all([isinstance(leaf, abjad.Rest) for leaf in measure.leaves()]): if not ignore_clefs: for leaf in measure.leaves()[::-1]: clef = abjad.get.indicator(leaf, abjad.Clef) if clef is not None: break if not ignore_dynamics: for leaf in measure.leaves()[::-1]: dynamics = abjad.get.indicator(leaf, (abjad.Dynamic, abjad.StartHairpin, abjad.StopHairpin, )) if dynamics is not None: break duration = abjad.get.duration(measure) if duration == effective_time_signature.duration: if duration == 1: multiplier = None else: multiplier = abjad.Multiplier(duration) multimeasure_rest = abjad.MultimeasureRest( (4, 4), multiplier=multiplier, ) if time_signature is not None: abjad.attach(time_signature, multimeasure_rest) if not ignore_clefs and clef is not None: abjad.attach(clef, multimeasure_rest) if not ignore_dynamics and dynamics is not None: abjad.attach(dynamics, multimeasure_rest) for indicator in abjad.get.indicators(head): if isinstance(indicator, indicators_tuple): abjad.attach(indicator, multimeasure_rest) abjad.mutate.replace(measure, multimeasure_rest)