Source code for auxjad.mutate.sync_containers

from import Iterable
from typing import Union

import abjad

from .. import get
from .close_container import close_container
from .rests_to_multimeasure_rest import rests_to_multimeasure_rest

[docs]def sync_containers(containers: Union[Iterable[abjad.Container], abjad.Score, ], *, use_multimeasure_rests: bool = True, adjust_last_time_signature: bool = True, ) -> None: r"""Mutates two or more input containers in place and has no return value; this function finds the longest container among the inputs and adds rests to all the shorter ones, making them the same length. Input argument can be a single |abjad.Score| with multiple containers, or an iterable with elements of type |abjad.Container| or child classes. Basic usage: Input two or more containers. This function will fill the shortest ones with rests ensuring all their lengths become the same. >>> staff1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 g'2.") >>> staff2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-H7jNwGEtFQ.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-EjKqQCinPy.png >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers([staff1, staff2]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'2. r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-akcdf8t9e5.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-l7tru1tjoli.png .. note:: Auxjad automatically adds this function as an extension function to |abjad.mutate|. It can thus be used from either |auxjad.mutate|_ or |abjad.mutate| namespaces. Therefore, the two lines below are equivalent: >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers([container1, container2]) >>> abjad.mutate.sync_containers([container1, container2]) .. note:: When using |abjad.Container|'s, all time signatures in the output will be commented out with ``%%%.`` This is because Abjad only applies time signatures to containers that belong to a |abjad.Staff|. The present function works with either |abjad.Container| and |abjad.Staff|. >>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4") >>> .. docs:: { %%% \time 3/4 %%% c'4 d'4 e'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-9sl3dnd2uwn.png >>> staff = abjad.Staff([container]) >>> .. docs:: { \time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-08v2pv2tmqqn.png Containers of same size: If all containers have the same size, no modification is applied. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 g'2.") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 c'2.") >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers([container1, container2]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 g'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-e0yszxejbh.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-2cgt4zds3h7.png Underfull containers: By default, this function closes the longest container by rewriting the time signature of its last measure if necessary (if it is underfull), and uses multi-measure rests whenever possible. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 g'1 | f'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'1 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-udnAjAZtkw.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-cy8dL4UUWV.png >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers([container1, container2]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'1 \time 1/4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-nztndgecrof.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 \time 1/4 R1 * 1/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-iaag195ty1d.png ``adjust_last_time_signature``: To allow containers to be left open (with underfull measures), set the keyword argument ``adjust_last_time_signature`` to ``False``. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 g'1 | f'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'1 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-uldd5Vni8a.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-eTCrjHBr39.png >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers( ... [container1, container2], ... adjust_last_time_signature=False, ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'1 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-37iesjp4dqs.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-lqm4itxlwu.png ``use_multimeasure_rests``: To disable multi-measure rests, set the keyword argument ``use_multimeasure_rests`` to ``False``. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 g'1 | f'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'1 \time 1/4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-Mbmjf7JLH8.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-3RZwROEIt1.png >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers( ... [container1, container2], ... use_multimeasure_rests=False, ... ) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 g'1 \time 1/4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-rhagiugx42o.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 \time 1/4 r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-oss03t1qnf8.png Adjusting last time signatures: When adjusting the last time signature, this function will maintain the same time effective signature for as long as possible and only add a new one at the last measure if its duration is shorter. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 7/4 a'1 ~ a'2.") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 c'2.") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 7/4 a'1 ~ a'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-g61gTyfZGV.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-UZvmef5N16.png >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers([container1, container2]) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 7/4 a'1 ~ a'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-dQnq2ASkTu.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 c'2. R1 * 3/4 \time 1/4 R1 * 1/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-jhx0r9skgwi.png Multiple input containers: This function can take an arbitrary number of containers. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1 | g'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1 | g'2") >>> container3 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1 | g'2.") >>> container4 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'1") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 g'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-epvaWYPYT7.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 g'2 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-Yja5mx93Fi.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 g'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-GTtAEELheA.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-VCFpuJX7ID.png >>> containers = [container1, ... container2, ... container3, ... container4, ... ] >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers(containers) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 \time 3/4 g'4 r2 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-1wbsyvks33r.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 \time 3/4 g'2 r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-td1whqky24b.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 \time 3/4 g'2. } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-g07scyil9jh.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'1 \time 3/4 R1 * 3/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-8b6vn3azaom.png Single input |abjad.Score|: This function can also take a single |abjad.Score| instead of multiple |abjad.Container|'s or |abjad.Staff|'s. >>> staff1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/8 c'4. | d'4") >>> staff2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/8 c'4. | d'8") >>> staff3 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/8 c'4. | d'16") >>> staff4 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/8 c'4.") >>> score = abjad.Score([staff1, ... staff2, ... staff3, ... staff4, ... ]) >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers(score) >>> .. docs:: \new Score << \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4. \time 1/4 d'4 } \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4. \time 1/4 d'8 r8 } \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4. \time 1/4 d'16 r8. } \new Staff { \time 3/8 c'4. \time 1/4 R1 * 1/4 } >> .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-0g0651fs0luq.png Time signature changes: The containers can be of different length, can have different time signatures, and can contain time signature changes as well. >>> container1 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 a2. \time 4/4 c'4") >>> container3 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 5/4 g''1 ~ g''4") >>> container4 = abjad.Staff(r"\time 6/8 c'2") >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-qAt4FSyAIl.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 a2. \time 4/4 c'4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-EKrqsCDVNs.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 5/4 g''1 ~ g''4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-lw5fknvt4o.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 6/8 c'2 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-iXGajGKBZl.png >>> containers = [container1, ... container2, ... container3, ... container4, ... ] >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers(containers) >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 \time 1/4 R1 * 1/4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-mec52wgbrz9.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 3/4 a2. \time 2/4 c'4 r4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-33odhzqyo6r.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 5/4 g''1 ~ g''4 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-s7rmadmd1f.png >>> .. docs:: \new Staff { \time 6/8 c'2 r4 \time 2/4 R1 * 1/2 } .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-msu922pcn6e.png Polymetric notation: It's important to note that LilyPond does not support simultanoues staves with different time signatures (i.e. polymetric notation) by default. In order to enable it, the ``"Timing_translator"`` and ``"Default_bar_line_engraver"`` must be removed from the ``Score`` context and added to the ``Staff`` context. Below is a full example of how this can be accomplished using Abjad. >>> container1 = abjad.Container(r"\time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 a2. \time 4/4 c'4") >>> container3 = abjad.Container(r"\time 5/4 g''1 ~ g''4") >>> container4 = abjad.Container(r"\time 6/8 c'2") >>> containers = [container1, ... container2, ... container3, ... container4, ... ] >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers(containers) >>> staves = [abjad.Staff([container1]), ... abjad.Staff([container2]), ... abjad.Staff([container3]), ... abjad.Staff([container4]), ... ] >>> score = abjad.Score(staves) >>> lilypond_file = >>> score_block = abjad.Block(name='score') >>> layout_block = abjad.Block(name='layout') >>> score_block.items.append(score) >>> score_block.items.append(layout_block) >>> lilypond_file.items.append(score_block) >>> layout_block.items.append( ... r''' ... \context { ... \Score ... \remove "Timing_translator" ... \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver" ... } ... \context { ... \Staff ... \consists "Timing_translator" ... \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" ... } ... ''') >>> .. docs:: \score { %! abjad.LilyPondFile._get_formatted_blocks() \new Score << \new Staff { { \time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 \time 1/4 R1 * 1/4 } } \new Staff { { \time 3/4 a2. \time 2/4 c'4 r4 } } \new Staff { { \time 5/4 g''1 ~ g''4 } } \new Staff { { \time 6/8 c'2 r4 \time 2/4 R1 * 1/2 } } >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Timing_translator" \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Timing_translator" \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } } } %! abjad.LilyPondFile._get_formatted_blocks() .. figure:: ../_images/sync_containers-1lbrepesgil.png .. error:: If one or more containers is malformed, i.e. it has an underfilled measure before a time signature change, the function raises a :exc:`ValueError` exception. >>> container1 = abjad.Container(r"\time 4/4 g'1 | f'4") >>> container2 = abjad.Container(r"\time 5/4 c'1 | \time 4/4 d'4") >>> auxjad.mutate.sync_containers([container1, container2]) ValueError: at least one 'container' is malformed, with an underfull measure preceding a time signature change """ if not isinstance(containers, (Iterable, abjad.Score)): raise TypeError("argument must be 'abjad.Score' or iterable of " "'abjad.Container's") if isinstance(containers, abjad.Score): containers = containers[:] for container in containers: if not isinstance(container, abjad.Container): raise TypeError("argument must be 'abjad.Score' or iterable of " "'abjad.Container's") if not raise ValueError("argument must each be contiguous logical voice") try: get.selection_is_full(container[:]) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError("at least one 'container' is malformed, with an " "underfull measure preceding a time signature " "change") from err if not isinstance(use_multimeasure_rests, bool): raise TypeError("'use_multimeasure_rests' must be 'bool'") if not isinstance(adjust_last_time_signature, bool): raise TypeError("'adjust_last_time_signature' must be 'bool'") durations = [abjad.get.duration(container[:]) for container in containers] max_duration = max(durations) for container, duration in zip(containers, durations): duration_difference = max_duration - duration if duration_difference > abjad.Duration(0): # handling duration left in the last measure, if any if not get.selection_is_full(container[:]): duration_left = get.underfull_duration(container[:]) underfull_rests_duration = min(duration_difference, duration_left, ) underfull_rests = abjad.LeafMaker()(None, underfull_rests_duration, ) duration_difference -= underfull_rests_duration container.extend(underfull_rests) if (duration_difference == abjad.Duration(0) and adjust_last_time_signature): close_container(container) if duration_difference == abjad.Duration(0): continue # finding out last effective time signature for leaf in[::-1]: effective_time_signature = abjad.get.effective( leaf, abjad.TimeSignature, ) if effective_time_signature is not None: break else: effective_time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature((4, 4)) # creating new measures for any leftover duration measure_duration = effective_time_signature.duration while duration_difference > measure_duration: rests = abjad.LeafMaker()(None, measure_duration) duration_difference -= measure_duration container.extend(rests) if duration_difference > abjad.Duration(0): rests = abjad.LeafMaker()(None, duration_difference) if adjust_last_time_signature: rests_time_signature = abjad.TimeSignature( duration_difference, ) rests_time_signature.simplify_ratio() if rests_time_signature != effective_time_signature: abjad.attach(rests_time_signature, rests[0]) container.extend(rests) if use_multimeasure_rests: rests_to_multimeasure_rest(container[:]) else: # closing longest container if necessary if (adjust_last_time_signature and not get.selection_is_full(container[:])): close_container(container)