
class auxjad.HarmonicNote(*arguments, multiplier: Optional[Union[abjad.duration.Duration, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, tag: Optional[abjad.tag.Tag] = None, style: str = "#'harmonic", markup: Optional[str] = None, centre_markup: bool = True, direction: Union[str, abjad.enums.VerticalAlignment] = 'up')[source]

Creates a note with tweaked note head for harmonics. This is a child class of abjad.Note.

Basic usage:

Usage is similar to abjad.Note:

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''4")
>>> harm.style
>>> abjad.show(harm)

And similarly to abjad.Note, pitch and duration can be input in many different ways:

>>> harm1 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''4")
>>> harm2 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''", 1 / 4)
>>> harm3 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(12, 0.25)
>>> harm4 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(12, abjad.Duration(1, 4))
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([harm1, harm2, harm3, harm4])
>>> abjad.show(staff)

When instantiating this class, use the keyword argument style to set a different type of note head, such as "#'harmonic-mixed":

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''4",
...                            style="#'harmonic-mixed",
...                            )
>>> harm.style
>>> abjad.show(harm)

Similarly to abjad.Note, this class can take multipliers:

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''4",
...                            multiplier=(2, 3),
...                            )
>>> harm.multiplier
abjad.Multiplier(2, 3)
>>> abjad.show(harm)

All properties of abjad.Note are also available to be read. This class also includes a new property named style:

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''4")
>>> harm.written_pitch
>>> harm.written_duration
>>> harm.style

All these properties can be set to different values after initialisation:

>>> harm.written_pitch = 18
>>> harm.written_duration = abjad.Duration(1, 8)
>>> harm.style = "#'harmonic-mixed"
>>> harm.written_pitch
>>> harm.written_duration
>>> harm.style
Setting style to 'flageolet':

To create a harmonic note with a regular note head and with a flageolet circle above it, use the style 'flageolet':

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"c''1",
...                            style='flageolet',
...                            )
>>> harm.style
>>> abjad.show(harm)

To add a markup expression to the harmonic note, use the markup optional keyword argument, which takes strings. By default, the markup position is above the harmonic note, but this can be overridden using the keyword direction, which can take strings as well as abjad.Up and abjad.Down:

>>> harm1 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1")
>>> harm2 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1",
...                             markup='III.',
...                             )
>>> harm3 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1",
...                             markup='III.',
...                             direction=abjad.Down)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([harm1, harm2, harm3])
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Setting markup to None will remove the markup from the note.

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1",
...                            markup='III.',
...                            )
>>> harm.markup = None
>>> abjad.show(harm)

When a markup expression is added to the harmonic note by using the markup optional keyword argument, it will be automatically centred above the note (as the main purpose of this markup is to show string numbers). To disable this behaviour, set centre_markup to False. Compare:

>>> harm1 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1",
...                            markup='III.',
...                            )
>>> abjad.show(harm1)
>>> harm2 = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1",
...                            markup='III.',
...                            centre_markup=False,
...                            )
>>> abjad.show(harm2)


If another markup is attached to the harmonic note, trying to set the markup to None will raise an Exception:

>>> harm = auxjad.HarmonicNote(r"d''1")
>>> abjad.attach(abjad.Markup('test'), harm)
>>> harm.markup = 'III.'
>>> harm.markup = None
Exception: multiple indicators attached to client.


__init__(*arguments[, multiplier, tag, style])

Initialises self.


Gets interpreter representation.

from_pitch_and_duration(pitch, duration)

Makes note from pitch and duration.



Tweaks the markup of the harmonic note head to be centred or not as LilyPond doesn’t centralises markups above note heads by default.


The direction of the harmonic note head.


The markup of the harmonic note head.


Gets multiplier.


Gets and sets note-head.


The style of the harmonic note head.


Gets component tag.


Gets and sets written duration.


Gets and sets written pitch.

__init__(*arguments, multiplier: Optional[Union[abjad.duration.Duration, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, tag: Optional[abjad.tag.Tag] = None, style: str = "#'harmonic", markup: Optional[str] = None, centre_markup: bool = True, direction: Union[str, abjad.enums.VerticalAlignment] = 'up')None[source]

Initialises self.


Gets interpreter representation.

property centre_markup: bool

Tweaks the markup of the harmonic note head to be centred or not as LilyPond doesn’t centralises markups above note heads by default.

property direction: Union[str, abjad.enums.VerticalAlignment]

The direction of the harmonic note head.

static from_pitch_and_duration(pitch, duration)

Makes note from pitch and duration.

>>> note = abjad.Note.from_pitch_and_duration('C#5', (3, 16))
>>> abjad.show(note) 
property markup: str

The markup of the harmonic note head.

property multiplier: Optional[Union[abjad.duration.Multiplier, abjad.duration.NonreducedFraction]]

Gets multiplier.

property note_head: Optional[abjad.score.NoteHead]

Gets and sets note-head.

>>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.")
>>> note.note_head
>>> abjad.show(note) 
>>> note.note_head = 'D5'
>>> note.note_head
>>> abjad.show(note) 
property style: str

The style of the harmonic note head.

property tag: Optional[abjad.tag.Tag]

Gets component tag.

property written_duration: abjad.duration.Duration

Gets and sets written duration.

>>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.")
>>> note.written_duration
Duration(3, 16)
>>> abjad.show(note) 
>>> note.written_duration = (1, 16)
>>> note.written_duration
Duration(1, 16)
>>> abjad.show(note) 
property written_pitch: Optional[abjad.pitch.pitches.NamedPitch]

Gets and sets written pitch.

>>> note = abjad.Note("cs''8.")
>>> note.written_pitch
>>> abjad.show(note) 
>>> note.written_pitch = 'D5'
>>> note.written_pitch
>>> abjad.show(note)