auto_rewrite_meter (container[, meter_list, …])
Mutates an input container (of type abjad.Container or child class) in place and has no return value; this function takes every measure of a container, detects its time signature, and apply both abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter() and auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter() to it. |
close_container (container)
Mutates an input container (of type abjad.Container or child class) in place and has no return value; this function changes the time signature of the last measure of an underfull in order to make it full. |
contract_notes (container, …[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Container (or child class) in place and has no return value; this function contracts all logical ties (notes and chords) by a maximum contraction duration. |
enforce_time_signature (container, …[, …])
Mutates an input container (of type abjad.Container or child class) in place and has no return value; this function applies a time signature (or a list of time signatures) to the input container. |
extend_notes (container, max_note_duration, *)
Mutates an input abjad.Container (or child class) in place and has no return value; this function extends all logical ties (notes and chords) up to a given maximum note duration. |
extract_trivial_tuplets (selection)
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function looks for tuplets filled with rests or with tied notes or chords and replaces them with a single leaf. |
fill_with_rests (container, *[, …])
Mutates an input container (of type abjad.Container or child class) in place and has no return value; this function fills a container with rests in order to make it full. |
merge_hairpins (selection)
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function merges all consecutive hairpins that share a same trend. |
merge_partial_tuplets (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function merges all consecutive partial tuplets with the same ratio and which sum up to an assignable duration. |
prettify_rewrite_meter (selection, meter, *)
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function fuses pitched leaves according to the rules shown below, improving the default output of abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter() . |
remove_repeated_dynamics (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function removes all consecutive repeated dynamic markings. |
remove_repeated_time_signatures (selection)
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function removes all consecutive repeated time signatures. |
reposition_clefs (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function removes all consecutive repeated clefs. |
reposition_dynamics (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function shifts all dynamics from rests to the next pitched leaves. |
reposition_slurs (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function repositions all slurs that starts or ends on rests. |
respell_augmented_unisons (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function changes the accidentals of individual pitches of all chords in a container in order to avoid augmented unisons. |
rests_to_multimeasure_rest (selection, *[, …])
Mutates an input abjad.Selection in place and has no return value; this function looks for measures filled with regular rests and converts them into an abjad.MultimeasureRest . |
sustain_notes (container, *[, …])
Mutates an input container (of type abjad.Container or child class) in place and has no return value; this function will sustain all pitched leaves until the next pitched leaf, thus replacing all rests in between them. |
sync_containers (containers, *[, …])
Mutates two or more input containers in place and has no return value; this function finds the longest container among the inputs and adds rests to all the shorter ones, making them the same length. |