
auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(container: abjad.score.Container, time_signatures: Union[abjad.indicators.TimeSignature.TimeSignature, tuple, list], *, cyclic: bool = False, fill_with_rests: bool = True, close_container: bool = False, disable_rewrite_meter: bool = False, prettify_rewrite_meter: bool = True, boundary_depth: Optional[int] = None, maximum_dot_count: Optional[int] = None, rewrite_tuplets: bool = True, extract_trivial_tuplets: bool = True, fuse_across_groups_of_beats: bool = True, fuse_quadruple_meter: bool = True, fuse_triple_meter: bool = True, split_quadruple_meter: bool = True)None[source]

Mutates an input container (of type abjad.Container or child class) in place and has no return value; this function applies a time signature (or a list of time signatures) to the input container.

Basic usage:

The function mutates a container in place, applying a time signature to it.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4))
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)


Auxjad automatically adds this function as an extension function to abjad.mutate. It can thus be used from either auxjad.mutate or abjad.mutate namespaces. Therefore, the two lines below are equivalent:

>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4)),
... )
>>> abjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4)),
... )
Single value for second positional argument:

The second positional argument can take either abjad.TimeSignature or a tuple for a single time signature (for multiple time signatures, use a list as shown further below). By default, rests will be appended to the end of the staff if necessary.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, (3, 4))
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Set the optional keyword argument close_container to True in order to adjust the last measure’s time signature instead of filling it with rests.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...     close_container=True,
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Alternatively, to leave the last measure as it is input (i.e. not filling it with rests nor adjusting the time signature), set the optional keyword argument fill_with_rests to False (default value is True).

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...     fill_with_rests=False,
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)
Multiple values for second positional argument:

The second argument can also take a list of abjad.TimeSignature or tuple.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> time_signatures = [abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((5, 4)),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, time_signatures)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
Repeated time signatures:

Consecutive identical time signatures are omitted. Also note that time signatures can also be represented as a list of tuple’s.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> time_signatures = [(2, 4),
...                    (2, 4),
...                    (4, 4),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, time_signatures)
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Alternatively, use None to indicate repeated time signatures:

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> time_signatures = [(2, 4),
...                    None,
...                    None,
...                    (3, 4),
...                    None,
...                    (4, 4),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, time_signatures)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
Implicit time signature:

If the first time signature in a list is None, this function assumes the music is written in 4/4 time signature, although it does not force it in the output. This is similar to LilyPond’s behaviour, which fallbacks to a 4/4 time signature when none is present.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1 e'2. f'2.")
>>> time_signatures = [None,
...                    None,
...                    (3, 4),
...                    None,
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, time_signatures)
>>> abjad.show(staff)

To cycle through the list of time signatures until the container is exhausted, set the optional keyword argument cyclic to True.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> time_signatures = [abjad.TimeSignature((3, 8)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((2, 8)),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     time_signatures,
...     cyclic=True,
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)

By default, this function applies the mutation abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter() to its output.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 ~ c'4 r8 d'4. e'4")
>>> time_signatures = [abjad.TimeSignature((5, 4)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, time_signatures)
>>> abjad.show(staff)

To disable this, set the keyword argument disable_rewrite_meter to True.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'1 ~ c'4 r8 d'4. e'4")
>>> time_signatures = [abjad.TimeSignature((5, 4)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     time_signatures,
...     disable_rewrite_meter=True,
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)

The function handles tuplets, even if they must be split.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\times 2/3 {c'2 d'2 e'2} f'1")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> time_signatures = [abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(staff, time_signatures)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
Time signatures in the input container:

Note that any time signatures in the input container will be ignored.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"\time 3/4 c'2. d'2. e'2. f'2.")
>>> abjad.show(staff)
>>> time_signatures = [abjad.TimeSignature((5, 8)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((1, 16)),
...                    abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4)),
...                    ]
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     time_signatures,
...     cyclic=True,
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)
Tweaking abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter():

This function uses the default logical tie splitting algorithm from abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter().

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4. d'8 e'2")
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((4, 4)),
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Set boundary_depth to a different number to change its behaviour.

>>> staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4. d'8 e'2")
>>> auxjad.mutate.enforce_time_signature(
...     staff,
...     abjad.TimeSignature((4, 4)),
...     boundary_depth=1,
... )
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Other arguments available for tweaking the output of abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter() are maximum_dot_count and rewrite_tuplets, which work exactly as the identically named arguments of abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter().

This function also accepts the arguments fuse_across_groups_of_beats, fuse_quadruple_meter, fuse_triple_meter, extract_trivial_tuplets, and split_quadruple_meter, which are passed on to auxjad.mutate.prettify_rewrite_meter() (the latter can be disabled by setting prettify_rewrite_meter to False). See the documentation of this function for more details on these arguments.


When using abjad.Container’s, all time signatures in the output will be commented out with %%%. This is because Abjad only applies time signatures to containers that belong to a abjad.Staff. The present function works with either abjad.Container and abjad.Staff.

>>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'4 d'4 e'4")
>>> abjad.show(container)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff([container])
>>> abjad.show(container)


The input container must be a contiguous logical voice. When dealing with a container with multiple subcontainers (e.g. a score containing multiple staves), the best approach is to cycle through these subcontainers, applying this function to them individually.