
The score subpackage include score component classes such as harmonic leaf classes as well as extension methods to abjad.Score.


These classes are imported directly into the auxjad namespace. Therefore, to use a class such as auxjad.ArtificialHarmonic you only need to import auxjad and instantiate the class from its namespace:

>>> import auxjad
>>> note = auxjad.ArtificialHarmonic(r"<c' f'>4")

Below is the full list of classes included in score. Click on their names for their individual documentation.

ArtificialHarmonic(*arguments, multiplier, …)

Creates a chord with a tweaked top note head for notating artificial harmonics.

HarmonicNote(*arguments, multiplier, …)

Creates a note with tweaked note head for harmonics.


Adds double bar lines to all components of abjad.Score before every time signature changes.

Score.add_final_bar_line([bar_line, …])

Adds a final bar line to all components of abjad.Score. Note that