
class auxjad.LeafDynMaker[source]

Creates leaves and logical ties from list’s of pitches, durations, dynamics, and articulations. It is an extension of abjad.LeafMaker which can take optional list’s of dynamics and articulations.

Basic usage:

Usage is similar to abjad.LeafMaker:

>>> pitches = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9]
>>> durations = [(1, 32), (2, 32), (3, 32), (4, 32), (5, 32), (6, 32)]
>>> dynamics = ['pp', 'p', 'mp', 'mf', 'f', 'ff']
>>> articulations = ['.', '>', '-', '_', '^', '+']
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches, durations, dynamics, articulations)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Tuple elements in pitches result in chords. None-valued elements in pitches result in rests:

>>> pitches = [5, None, (0, 2, 7)]
>>> durations = [(1, 4), (1, 8), (1, 16)]
>>> dynamics = ['p', None, 'f']
>>> articulations = ['staccato', None, 'tenuto']
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches, durations, dynamics, articulations)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)

Can omit repeated dynamics with the keyword argument omit_repeated_dynamics:

>>> pitches = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9]
>>> durations = [(1, 32), (2, 32), (3, 32), (4, 32), (5, 32), (6, 32)]
>>> dynamics = ['pp', 'pp', 'mp', 'f', 'f', 'p']
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches,
...               durations,
...               dynamics,
...               omit_repeated_dynamics=True,
...               )
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
dynamics and articulations:

The lengths dynamics and articulations can be shorter than the lengths of pitches and durations (whatever is the greatest):

>>> pitches = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12]
>>> durations = (1, 4)
>>> dynamics = ['p', 'f', 'ff']
>>> articulations = ['.', '>']
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches, durations, dynamics, articulations)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
cyclic_dynamics and cyclic_articulations:

If the lengths of either dynamics and articulations are shorter than the lengths of pitches and durations (whatever is the greatest), use the optional keyword arguments cyclic_dynamics and cyclic_articulations to apply those parameters cyclically:

>>> pitches = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12]
>>> durations = (1, 4)
>>> dynamics = ['p', 'f', 'ff']
>>> articulations = ['.', '>']
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches,
...               durations,
...               dynamics,
...               articulations,
...               cyclic_dynamics=True,
...               cyclic_articulations=True,
...               )
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
articulations and dynamics of length 1:

If the length of articulations or dynamics is 1, they will be applied only to the first element.

>>> pitches = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12]
>>> durations = (1, 4)
>>> dynamics = 'p'
>>> articulations = '.'
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches, durations, dynamics, articulations)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
cyclic_dynamics and cyclic_articulations of length 1:

To apply them to all elements, use the cyclic_dynamics and cyclic_articulations optioanl keywords.

>>> pitches = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12]
>>> durations = (1, 4)
>>> dynamics = 'p'
>>> articulations = '.'
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches,
...               durations,
...               dynamics,
...               articulations,
...               cyclic_articulations=True,
...               )
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)
Accepted types:

Similarly to Abjad’s native classes, it accepts many types of elements in its input list’s:

>>> pitches = [0,
...            "d'",
...            'E4',
...            abjad.NumberedPitch(5),
...            abjad.NamedPitch("g'"),
...            abjad.NamedPitch('A4'),
...            ]
>>> durations = [(1, 32),
...              '2/32',
...              abjad.Duration('3/32'),
...              abjad.Duration(0.125),
...              abjad.Duration(5, 32),
...              abjad.Duration(6 / 32),
...              ]
>>> dynamics = ['p',
...             abjad.Dynamic('f'),
...             ]
>>> articulations = ['>',
...                  abjad.Articulation('-'),
...                  abjad.Articulation('.'),
...                  ]
>>> maker = auxjad.LeafDynMaker()
>>> notes = maker(pitches, durations, dynamics, articulations)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
>>> abjad.show(staff)


__call__(pitches, durations[, dynamics, …])

Calls the leaf-maker on pitches, durations, dynamics, and articulations, returning an abjad.Selection.


Initialises self.


Return repr(self).



Gets forbidden written duration.


Gets forbidden written duration.


Is true when durations increase monotonically.


Is true when skips appear in place of rests.


Gets tag.


Is true when rests are multimeasure.

__call__(pitches, durations, dynamics=None, articulations=None, *, omit_repeated_dynamics: bool = False, cyclic_dynamics: bool = False, cyclic_articulations: bool = False)abjad.select.Selection[source]

Calls the leaf-maker on pitches, durations, dynamics, and articulations, returning an abjad.Selection.


Initialises self.

property forbidden_note_duration: Optional[abjad.duration.Duration]

Gets forbidden written duration.

property forbidden_rest_duration: Optional[abjad.duration.Duration]

Gets forbidden written duration.

property increase_monotonic: Optional[bool]

Is true when durations increase monotonically.

property skips_instead_of_rests: Optional[bool]

Is true when skips appear in place of rests.

property tag: Optional[abjad.tag.Tag]

Gets tag.

Integer and string elements in pitches result in notes:

>>> maker = abjad.LeafMaker(tag=abjad.Tag("leaf_maker"))
>>> pitches = [2, 4, 'F#5', 'G#5']
>>> duration = abjad.Duration(1, 4)
>>> leaves = maker(pitches, duration)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(leaves)
>>> abjad.show(staff) 
property use_multimeasure_rests: Optional[bool]

Is true when rests are multimeasure.