
class auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(*, pitch_target: list, pitch_genes: list, attack_point_target: list, attack_point_genes: list, duration_unit: abjad.duration.Duration = Duration(1, 16), units_per_window: int = 16, pitch_initial_individual: Optional[list] = None, attack_point_initial_individual: Optional[list] = None, population_size: int = 100, select_n_parents: int = 10, keep_n_parents: int = 0, mutation_chance: float = 0.2, mutation_index: float = 0.1, evaluation_index: float = 0.2, omit_time_signature: bool = False, time_signatures: Optional[list] = None, attack_points_mode: bool = False, pitch_score_bias: float = 0.5)[source]

Uses two auxjad.GeneticAlgorithm’s, one for pitch and another for attack points, in order to create musical cells. At each call of __call__(), it iterates the genetic algorithms by one generation, and returns an abjad.Selection created with the fittest pitch and attack point individuals.


Many of the properties of this class reflect the behaviour of properties of GeneticAlgorithm. Some, such as population_size, select_n_parents, keep_n_parents, mutation_chance, mutation_index, and evaluation_index, have the same name as those in GeneticAlgorithm. pitch_target and attack_point_target, pitch_genes and attack_point_genes, and pitch_initial_individual and attack_point_initial_individual work as, GeneticAlgorithm.genes, and GeneticAlgorithm.initial_individual, respectively.

For the details of how these properties work, please refer to GeneticAlgorithm’s documentation page.

Basic usage:

At its basic, this class needs a target and a list of genes for both pitches and attack points. The evaluation function will compare all individuals in the population against this target when scoring them.

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
... )
>>> repr(maker)
pitches: ["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"]
attack_points: [0, 4, 8, 12]
>>> len(maker)
>>> notes = maker.target_music
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

Calling the instance will apply the genetic algorithm process and output an abjad.Selection with the fittest individual in the population.

>>> notes = maker()
>>> maker.generation_number
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

Subsequent calls will create new generations of individuals, always outputting the fittest measure.

>>> notes = maker()
>>> maker.generation_number
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

The method output_n() can be used to output n iterations of the process. They are output as a single abjad.Selection:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

While attack_point_genes must always take a list of int’s, pitch_genes can take a variety of object types. The implementation of this class uses abjad.LeafMaker, so pitches can take any objects accepted by that class. These include int and str for pitches, None for rests, tuple for chords, etc.

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", None, "e'", ("g'", "bf'")],
...     pitch_genes=[None,
...                  "c'",
...                  "d'",
...                  "e'",
...                  "f'",
...                  "g'",
...                  ("g'", "a'"),
...                  ("g'", "bf'"),
...                  ("g'", "c''"),
...                  ],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
...     population_size=50,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

Which is equivalent to:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=[0, None, 4, (7, 10)],
...     pitch_genes=[None, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, (7, 9), (7, 10), (7, 12)],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
...     population_size=50,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)
units_per_window and duration_unit:

By default, there are 16 attack points in a window, each lasting for abjad.Duration((1, 16)). These can be changed using units_per_window and duration_unit:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 8, 16, 24],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(32)),
...     duration_unit=abjad.Duration((1, 32)),
...     units_per_window=32,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

By default, a time signature is added to the output automatically:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12, 16],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(20)),
...     units_per_window=20,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

Setting omit_time_signature to True will result in no time signature. Note that the output might need to be cleaned up using abjad.Meter.rewrite_meter().

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12, 16],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(20)),
...     units_per_window=20,
...     omit_time_signature=True,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

Time signatures can also be enforced in the output. Set time_signatures to a single abjad.TimeSignature or a list of abjad.TimeSignature’s as needed.

A single abjad.TimeSignature is applied to all measures:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
...     duration_unit=abjad.Duration((1, 32)),
...     time_signatures=abjad.TimeSignature((2, 2))
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

A list of abjad.TimeSignature’s is applied cyclically.

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12, 16],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(20)),
...     duration_unit=abjad.Duration((1, 16)),
...     units_per_window=20,
...     time_signatures=[abjad.TimeSignature((2, 4)),
...                      abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)),
...                      ],
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

Pitches and attack points are scored separately and, by default, contribute equally to the total score of each individual. To change the bias of the pitch score, set pitch_score_bias to a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

This is the default output:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

With a high pitch_score_bias, pitch convergence will tend to be faster at the expense of attack points:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
...     pitch_score_weight=0.95,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

In contrast, a low pitch_score_bias, attack point convergence will tend to be faster at the expense of pitches:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
...     pitch_score_weight=0.05,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)

When using this class in attack points mode, each note will last a single unit instead of being extended until the next attack point:

>>> maker = auxjad.GeneticAlgorithmMusicMaker(
...     pitch_target=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'"],
...     pitch_genes=["c'", "d'", "e'", "f'", "g'", "a'", "b'", "c''"],
...     attack_point_target=[0, 4, 8, 12],
...     attack_point_genes=list(range(16)),
...     attack_points_mode=True,
... )
>>> notes = maker.output_n(5)
>>> staff = abjad.Staff(notes)



Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration, returning an abjad.Selection.

__init__(*, pitch_target, pitch_genes, …)

Initialises self.


Returns an iterator, allowing instances to be used as iterators.


Returns the number of genes in each individual.


Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration.


Returns interpreter representation of target’s of both instances of the genetic algorithm (pitches and attack points).


Goes through n iterations of the genetic algorithm process and outputs a single abjad.Selection.


Resets that genetic algorithm.



List of possible genes that make up all attack point individuals.


Optional initial attack point individual.


Read-only property, returns a list with all the population of the current generation.


Target attack point individual used for evaluation.


When True, each note will last only for the duration of the unit, instead of extending it to the next attack point.


Unit for the duration grid.


The index used in the evaluation function.


Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population.


Read-only property, returns the score of the fittest individual of the current population.


Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population as an abjad.Selection.


Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population.


Read-only property, returns the number of the current generation (initial generation is 0).


Number of the best-fit individuals that survive into the next generation.


Percentage of the total population who will experience mutation.


Given an individual selected to undergo mutation, this index gives the percentage of genes of that individual which will be mutated.


When True, a time signature won’t be added to the first leaf of the output.


List of possible genes that make up all pitch individuals.


Optional initial pitch individual.


Read-only property, returns a list with all the population of the current generation.


By default, the score of each measure gives equal weight to pitches as it gives to attack points.


Target pitch individual used for evaluation.


Number of individuals in any given generation.


Read-only property, returns the list of individual scores of the current population.


Number of the best-fit individuals that are selected to be parents of the next generation.


Read-only property, returns the target as an abjad.Selection.


List of time signatures to be enforced on output.


Read-only property, returns the total duration of the window.


Number of units per window.


Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration, returning an abjad.Selection. Generates a new generation of length population_size via reproduction and mutation processes and scores each individual using the evaluation function.

__init__(*, pitch_target: list, pitch_genes: list, attack_point_target: list, attack_point_genes: list, duration_unit: abjad.duration.Duration = Duration(1, 16), units_per_window: int = 16, pitch_initial_individual: Optional[list] = None, attack_point_initial_individual: Optional[list] = None, population_size: int = 100, select_n_parents: int = 10, keep_n_parents: int = 0, mutation_chance: float = 0.2, mutation_index: float = 0.1, evaluation_index: float = 0.2, omit_time_signature: bool = False, time_signatures: Optional[list] = None, attack_points_mode: bool = False, pitch_score_bias: float = 0.5)None[source]

Initialises self.


Returns an iterator, allowing instances to be used as iterators.


Returns the number of genes in each individual.


Calls the genetic algorithm process for one iteration. Generates a new generation of length population_size via reproduction and mutation processes and scores each individual using the evaluation function.


Returns interpreter representation of target’s of both instances of the genetic algorithm (pitches and attack points).

property attack_point_genes: list

List of possible genes that make up all attack point individuals.

property attack_point_initial_individual: Optional[list]

Optional initial attack point individual.

property attack_point_population: Optional[list]

Read-only property, returns a list with all the population of the current generation.

property attack_point_target: list

Target attack point individual used for evaluation.

property attack_points_mode: bool

When True, each note will last only for the duration of the unit, instead of extending it to the next attack point.

property duration_unit: abjad.duration.Duration

Unit for the duration grid. Default is abjad.Duration((1, 16)).

property evaluation_index: float

The index used in the evaluation function. This index will be raised by the difference between indices of the target value and the current value. Consider the following example, where the available genes are ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] and the target is ['B', 'A', 'A', 'C']. Suppose an individual has the genes ['D', 'D', 'A', 'B'].

To evaluate this individual, first the algorithm finds the indices of both the target’s genes (in this case, [1, 0, 0, 2]) and also of the individual to be evaluated (in this case, [3, 3, 0, 1]). It then scores each element of this individual against the target using:

difference = abs(target_gene_index - individual_gene_index)
element_score = evaluation_index ** difference

Thus, when the difference is 0, the score of this element is 1.0. The higher the difference, the smaller the value; this decay can be controlled using this very property, whose default value is 0.2. Thus when the difference is 1 or -1, the score is 0.2 ** 1 = 0.2, when the difference is 2 or -2, the score is 0.2 ** 2 = 0.04, and so on. The total score of an individual will be given by the normalised sum of the evaluation of each of its genes.

property fittest_attack_point_individual: Optional[list]

Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population.

property fittest_individual_score: Union[list, float]

Read-only property, returns the score of the fittest individual of the current population.

property fittest_measure: Optional[]

Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population as an abjad.Selection.

property fittest_pitch_individual: Optional[list]

Read-only property, returns the fittest individual of the current population.

property generation_number: list

Read-only property, returns the number of the current generation (initial generation is 0).

property keep_n_parents: int

Number of the best-fit individuals that survive into the next generation. Default is 0.

property mutation_chance: float

Percentage of the total population who will experience mutation.

property mutation_index: float

Given an individual selected to undergo mutation, this index gives the percentage of genes of that individual which will be mutated.

property omit_time_signature: bool

When True, a time signature won’t be added to the first leaf of the output.

output_n(n: int)[source]

Goes through n iterations of the genetic algorithm process and outputs a single abjad.Selection.

property pitch_genes: list

List of possible genes that make up all pitch individuals.

property pitch_initial_individual: Optional[list]

Optional initial pitch individual.

property pitch_population: Optional[list]

Read-only property, returns a list with all the population of the current generation.

property pitch_score_bias: float

By default, the score of each measure gives equal weight to pitches as it gives to attack points. Changing this to a different value will make the pitch score contribute more or less to the total score of a measure.

property pitch_target: list

Target pitch individual used for evaluation.

property population_size: int

Number of individuals in any given generation.


Resets that genetic algorithm.

property scores: list

Read-only property, returns the list of individual scores of the current population. Scores are normalised.

property select_n_parents: int

Number of the best-fit individuals that are selected to be parents of the next generation. They also survive into the next generation.

property target_music:

Read-only property, returns the target as an abjad.Selection.

property time_signatures: list

List of time signatures to be enforced on output. It is important to note that omit_time_signature must be True for it to take effect.

property total_duration: list

Read-only property, returns the total duration of the window.

property units_per_window: int

Number of units per window. Default is 16.