
auxjad.get.time_signature_list(container: abjad.score.Container, *, do_not_use_none: bool = False, implicit_common_time: bool = True, omit_repeated: bool = False)list[source]

Returns a list with the abjad.TimeSignature’s for all measures of an input abjad.Container.

Basic usage:

This function returns a list with one abjad.TimeSignature per measure.

>>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'2. \time 4/4 e'1")
>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(container)
>>> time_signatures
[TimeSignature((3, 4)), TimeSignature((4, 4))]


Auxjad automatically adds this function as an extension function to abjad.get. It can thus be used from either auxjad.get or abjad.get namespaces. Therefore, the two lines below are equivalent:

>>> container = abjad.Container(r"\time 3/4 c'2. \time 4/4 e'1")
>>> auxjad.get.time_signature_list(container)
[TimeSignature((3, 4)), TimeSignature((4, 4))]
>>> abjad.get.time_signature_list(container)
[TimeSignature((3, 4)), TimeSignature((4, 4))]

By default, the list will contain a None if a measure does not have an explicit time signature.

>>> container = abjad.Container(
...     r"\time 5/8 c'4 ~ c'16 \time 3/8 d'4. e'4."
... )
>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(container)
>>> time_signatures
[TimeSignature((5, 8)), TimeSignature((3, 8)), None]

Set the keyword argument do_not_use_none to True to change this behaviour.

>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(
...     container,
...     do_not_use_none=True,
... )
>>> time_signatures
[TimeSignature((5, 8)), TimeSignature((3, 8)), TimeSignature((3, 8))]

By default, time signatures are output according to the container, even if there are multiple instances of a same time signature.

>>> container = abjad.Container(
...     r"\time 3/4 c'2. d'2. \time 3/4 e'2. f'2."
... )
>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(container)
>>> time_signatures
[abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)), None, abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)), None]

Set the keyword argument omit_repeated to True to replace repeated time signatures with None.

>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(
...     container,
...     omit_repeated=True,
... )
>>> time_signatures
[abjad.TimeSignature((3, 4)), None, None, None]


Setting both do_not_use_none and omit_repeated to True will raise a ValueError exception:

>>> container = abjad.Container(
...     r"\time 3/4 c'2. d'2. \time 3/4 e'2. f'2."
... )
>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(
...     container,
...     do_not_use_none=True,
...     omit_repeated=True,
... )
ValueError: 'omit_repeated' and 'do_not_use_none' cannot be both set to

LilyPond uses an implicit time signature of 4/4 whenever a time signature is not found. This function behaves the same way.

>>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(container)
>>> time_signatures
[TimeSignature((4, 4)), None, None, None]

To disable this behaviour, set implicit_common_time to False.

>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(
...     container,
...     implicit_common_time=False,
... )
>>> time_signatures
[None, None, None, None]


Setting do_not_use_none to True and implicit_common_time to False on a container that starts with no time signature will raise a ValueError exception:

>>> container = abjad.Container(r"c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1")
>>> time_signatures = auxjad.get.time_signature_list(
...     container,
...     do_not_use_none=True,
...     implicit_common_time=False,
... )
ValueError: container does not have a time signature attached to its
first leaf, with 'implicit_common_time' set to 'False' and
'omit_repeated' set to 'True'